Sponge Should Have a GUI

I have planned to try to make a BukkitGUI like for Sponge.
But it’s stupid, minecraft_server.jar gui is just a console… but with a GUI, lel.

The GUI is not that! , is an easy Windows Program , and for Linux , and Mac , like “an terminal”

To be honest I would prefer it if any web interface could use an external webserver such as Apache/NGINX

I think BukkitGUI will support Sponge in the future. It’s the best GUI I have seen


I didn’t read every post, But I would STRONGLY recommend no gui. I would hate to have to run a gui on my boxes, unless there will also be a -nogui flag.

A simple gui is already part of Forge:

Formore, maybe a plugin will add a webinterface:

I don’t get why people want to have a web interface or even a GUI. This is all I need for a remote minecraft server: https://forums.bukkit.org/threads/admn-remotetoolkit-r10-a15-restarts-crash-detection-auto-saves-remote-console-1-7-2.674/.
The telnet client :wink:.

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Because NOT EVERYONE CAN USE A CONSOLE - That’s it. :wink:
I’m a developer, but I know what the customer needs.
I’m not a designer, but I know, that end users may work better with a simple frontend instead of a console.

  • Morph

@Morph has a point. We can’t expect everyone to be fluent with raw consoles, even server owners. Minecraft isn’t a game only for the l33t ub3r h4x, but there is a point that any in-built GUI should not interfere with those who insist on not using it, so it’d likely have a -nogui flag regardless. I’d think people who are programming would likely be aware of, or even inclined to, using the same methods you’d like to use, so they’ll likely implement a way to get around GUIs if they include one, it’s not like they’re designing anything for a super-specific to audiences, as far as I’m aware. Hate the see the Minecraft community become the tech-Aryan race. Let’s just throw Godwin’s Law into the mix for the hell of it I guess.

Most of us already use SSH and SCREEN, having console access is not the issue at hand.

Thanks @OffLuffy! You realized my intention to build a user-friendly interface. A GUI is nice too, but most of all Minecraft Servers run on headless Linux machines. So a webinterface makes much more sense because it can be accessible from everywhere and from any device that has a working browser and internet access.

  • Morph

Most of us here, yes. But not most of the users. There are more that enough people never heard something about linux or consoles or they are just beginners. Additional, a webinterface is much easier accessible instead of SSH. Of course, you can install a SSH Client on your mobile device - I have it too! But configuring a server though SSH on a mobile device is crap!

  • Morph

Well i remmember there were a project called bukkit gui, it gave like a cool interface( a GUI ) to bukkit here Some screenshots :

And finaly a credit for dev = )


I’d rather ‘play’ on a server where the admin knows console. It’s actually nothing less than a GUI. It just is typically a black screen which you can change to white if deemed necessary.

I would rather play on a server that the owner knows how to administer, regardless of the tools they choose to use. :smile:

Again, that’s not the case with all users, or maybe even most. Most users probably won’t know the difference.

I’d agree that it’s more a matter of personal opinion of the one operating the server. After all, you could be really good at administration and leading a server team but not be so superb with a standard console. Client-side though, it all looks the same in the end.

Seeing that as a large and official GUI seems out of the question at the moment, I think it’d be neat if someone developed a clientside mod dedicated to being an in-game Sponge GUI; input all the login info and such and you can have all your configuration options and console at hand right in the game. That seems a bit ambitious, and only useful for anyone who really wants a GUI that badly, but who knows :smile: what do you think?

Of course, the major issue with a clientside mod would be that if you don’t have the actual game at hand, you don’t have your console. But I guess that’s what remote clients are for.

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Looks good, but most servers are running a headless linux system - there is a GUI like this useless …

  • Morph

It’s my thought as well. Load it up as a Forge mod and bridge to Sponge land. The client side mod would be optional so that it would not have to be folded into a modpack for distribution.

i Was basicly using it, and it was realy popular !