[Tips] Forum - Use Discourse

Please post only tips, tricks and hidden features

(if you like thistopic, press the “love” Button at the end of this post)
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User preferences

(Click on the avatar -> Preferences)
You can “watch” or “ignore” whole categories:


Based on the “likes” and some other conditions you can summarize big threads:


If you post a link of thread x in a thread y,
at the top right of thread x you can navigate to thread y,
without posting a link of thread y in thread x.

Every thread that contains a link to “Sponge should have X!” is displayed at the top right:

more hidden features

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Nice idea.

Here’s a couple:

  1. To quickly jump to the most active topics for the last week, press G then T. You can then further sort with the list headers (Posts/Views/Activity) if you want. There are other useful keyboard sequences too: press ? to see them all.

  2. As for markup, everyone should read http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax since that’s what Sponge uses. But for most basic functions, you can also use the toolbar above the text editor, and you can see the keyboard shortcuts for those buttons by hovering. E.g. Ctrl-O is a quick way to start an ordered list, like I’ve used here.

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Keyboard Shortcuts

Press ? to bring up the Keyboard Shortcuts.
Edited: Oh, this was mentioned already.