[unsupported Guide] PEX quick command reference

right Thanks you so much
I can set the permission

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Howto properly get vanilla behavior for spawn-protection ?

nether and end should be unprotected.

Iā€™ve tried /pex group Default perm minecraft.spawn-protection.override 1 world=DIM-1

but this does not work. In the doc is something about context, but no examples howto set context for some permissionsā€¦

Please help.

Hello, I recently tried buycraft to automatically add me to the ā€œLeaderā€ rank. Now it worked out which i awesome. But now I am stuck in the Leader group and cannot get out of it? I have access to console of course but no matter what I do I cannot add my self back to the Admin rank. I have removed everything from the ladder, I have removed myself from the Trainer group (it stays when i do /pex user Kuromori info) I have refreshed the plugin. What can I do?

edit: very sorry, I did mean to quote a specific thing

the last example of the OP shows how to use context

if Trainer is your default rank then thatā€™s why t shows up, if adding yourself back via console doesnā€™t work then i suggest you carefully delete yourself from the permissions.json

Are rank ladders broken in the latest version of PEX or am I just doing them wrong.
ā€œrank-laddersā€: {
ā€œdonatorā€: [
When i do /pex rank Donator add group Novice it replaces Ace with Novice

Are the groups inhereting each other? (One group is the parent of another group)

you need to add them in order from lowest to highest rank, and what @Tzk said, if you add a group that is inherited from a group already on there it makes sense to replace it so it isnā€™t higher on the ladder

Yes, any way around that?

I have people buying ranks and it is working, but sometimes they will go back to the default rank and i have to re-add them. Why is this happening?

I am not using the ladder to upgrade them, i am just doing /pex user MoeBoy76 parent add group (upgradedgroup)

but then this does not check whether they have the lower rank when doing upgrades

Honestly, I donā€™t know why it takes over the /op and /deop commands, or at least not without automatically granting anyone on the op list permission to manage permissionsā€¦ donā€™t get me wrong, itā€™s a great permission manager, butā€¦

[rant]I just got locked out because I am not psychic enough to know that /stopping the server without giving myself operator permission (again, because somehow that makes sense to @zml even though Iā€™m already an op) would lock me out of all commands. Oh, and by the way, the server console canā€™t even be trusted with all commands because the person who owns the server computer might be a spy! [/rant]

Yeah needless to say, the plug-in needs work and Iā€™m more than a little irritated about it. I hope Iā€™m not the only one that thinks the ā€˜no trusting the consoleā€™ part, if nothing else, is a little beyond broken.

Itā€™s for security purposes. Just give yourself all permissions and youā€™re basically op already, itā€™s the same thing

Console is blocked? I am using PEX, and I havenā€™t found that issue. If it is the case, why not simply make it configurableā€¦ If you dont trust console, then simply change the parameters in the config file, that should be always secure.

i cant give permissions to a group they cant execute them but if i do it individually they can use it

Please forgive me if I am posting this in the wrong area, I couldnt find a better place, and looking through all the posts I didnt see anything that had been done bfore- Im sure someone else has had the problem butā€¦

PEX 2; World edit on Sponge 1890

Trying to be able to use world edit, but in the client it says ā€œYou are not permitted to do that. Are you in the right mode?ā€

From the console I set myself to creative. (it wont let me change it in the client)

I used the /pex group VIP permission worldedit.navigation.jumpto true command in the console and it says it worked. (green text)
" [timestamp] [pool-2-thread-6/INFO]: set permission worldedit.*=1 for user xxxxx-xxx/Sawtooth_ in Global context.

I have already created the 3 groups from the github tutorial and added myself as admin. but in game, I cant use any commands hardly at all.

I have looked at the ninja.leaping.permissionsex.cfg in /conf and nothing in there has changed since I booted my server for the first time.
I never have found any h2*.* nor anything else that looks like a group or permissions settings file.

  • I did notice and tried your example of how to give a specific user a set of permissions- but when I tried your command it failed. Same syntax, but you have to spell out the word "Permission, canā€™t use ā€œpermā€. I donā€™t know if that means anything- but I know there is an old style syntax, then a new style syntax. Maybe we are on the 3rd?

#1 how do I verify my permissions and group permission settings?
#2 What files are needed for all the PEX permissions to be set up correctly? just the ninja config or are there more?
#3 how do I get World Edit to work? I do have a hammer out in the garage but my windows10 machine doesnā€™t respond well to itā€¦

Thanks for any help / advice.

Sorry about the font- didnt realize they would do that when I hit the reply button.

Update- after messing about with the syntax a few times and looking at some example code, I realized that my mistake was that i added the permission to a user group that didnt exist- I.E. Capitalization is very important!
Once i figured that out, I redid the command and now have World edit working.

I also figured out how to get the info. not sure why it wouldnt work before, I typed in the same /pex user Sawtooth_ info before and it didnt like it. but now it worksā€¦

I still want to know about all the editable files needed for permissionex like I know about the ninja, but cant find any h2*.* files and there is some confusion between what server type uses what file- like permissions.json isnt a sponge-permissoinex file at all, even though a lot of people post that it is in other placesā€¦


You can change the format of the permission storage, and make it viewable and therefore editable. Of course, Zml recommends going through the commands. But if you donā€™t know basic formatting in config settings, then I would not use the file and just use the commands outlined at the start of this topic.

Regardless, you can check here how to change your default backend.

As per the other question, PEX 2.0 only requires itself. Within your config folder you will find a config file, and (once enabled) the permissions.json.

Oh! Thank you so much! Ive looked at a bunch of forums and on github- really confusing how each of the server setups( forge /spigot / bukkit /sponge / forge sponge ) and the 2 versions of PEX stuff.
I will do that now.

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I cant use /pex user [name] perm [permission]

Says it has too many argumentsā€¦