Weather Plugin

I’m not sure how simple this would be with Sponge, but if someone could create a plugin to disable downfall (rain / snow) permanently that would be awesome.

Definitely possible.

Do you know of anyone who could / would be willing to do it?

I could do this. I imagine a very simple plugin, that only “cleares” the weather when it starts to rain. Right? No config, no permissions?

If you’re using essentialcmds or nucleus there’s a feature to lock the weather.

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Will also add that ProjectWorlds can lock the weather per world as well.

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Yeah! Basically exactly that.

I just finished this plugin for you. Should be all you need :blush:[quote=“HLEEP, post:7, topic:13151, full:true”]
Yeah! Basically exactly that.

Link to the Sponge Plugin Post

I think I don’t have to start to create my own plugin of this kind. :joy:

Actually it was a great practice to learn coding due to simplicity so I tried and apparently it worked :innocent: