What programming languages do you know?

Programming is just a hobby at best for me. I have little intention of making a career out of it. Otherwise then I most certainly would learn more (Although pascal still wouldn’t be one of them).

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I hate frontend development, sice I have like no creativity. But backend is fine for me.

lol, I like it. It’s nice to have a website where you can put all your creations.

Ordered by my experience with the language

  1. Java
  2. SQL (if you consider this as a programming language)
  3. C/C++
  4. Javascript, HTML, CSS
  5. C#
  6. COBOL (native zOS, not linux derivates)
  7. Assembler

How old are you, that you learned assembler? :smiley:

I’m hoping to get a degree in Computer Science, then maybe make a game company or something. :stuck_out_tongue:
(I’ve never heard of Pascal :P)

Programming Languages:
C# and VB.NET



Object-C! I wish I could code that, but Xcode isn’t for Windows! ARRRRGGGG!

I don’t have many creations, so there’s no need for me to make a website.

Once you start making them though. :wink:

You could always make a Hackintosh.

Well, good luck with your computer science endeavors, I myself am choosing to go down the sports route in life aspiring to become a PE teacher.

Pascal is just some old language (published in 1970) and is designed to encourage good programming practices. It’s a procedural language and I don’t think it is used at all these days. I only learnt it when I was doing my Computing A level, because we had to do programming and that was like the only language the teachers knew.

here is a overview with the most used languages and how they are related



  • Java
  • VB(.NET)
  • C#
  • HTML
  • CSS (2 + 3)
  • JavaScript
  • Java
  • Groovy
  • Python
  • Ruby
  • C++
  • PHP
  • Lua
  • Batch (Which I barely consider a language… I mean, srsly?)
  • and a few more I can’t remember.

Yeah I know. My school was going to have a Java class this year, but not enough people signed up for it so they cancelled it at the last minute. I was so mad!

Once I get a textbook on it I’ll probably start learning it.

I usually self-teach myself languages. I just start coding, and if I have a question: google it!

An AMAZING source for programming languages is http://learnxinyminutes.com/ They have small, fast text tutorials, showing you the basics to dozens of languages!


That is very interesting! I never thought of how languages are connected!

23, but I’m studying computer science and yeah, assembler is a must. I don’t say, I can programm something bigger in assembler, but a short sorting algorithm wasn’t the problem.

I’ve never heard of a Hackintosh… Is it just OSX on a computer?

Java isn’t all that difficult to start off which, to be honest. It’s a little weird when you start off, but that’s to be expected with anyone’s first language.

I personally think that textbooks are really just for reference more than anything else. I find it hard to learn out of a book.