What programming languages do you know?

Java is weird to people who have been coding other languages, as it’s insanely formal compared to others, with type declaration and syntax.

OK some are not ‘languages’ but I’m adding them to the list anyway

  • Batch
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Python
  • PHP
  • Java (bits of scala too)
  • Visual Basic

I prefer to use the books I have (very few) as reference… I can’t learn from a book for the life of me.

Kind of. At least last I checked, you had to have a compatible Intel CPU or else it simply wouldn’t boot. There’s detailed information on how to build one out on the internet. What I did, personally, was just run a OS X in a VM so I could do very basic Objective-C. I learned very quickly that I hated it, though.

I will start studing next year, hopefully here I germany I don’t need to learn it :smile:

That’s exactly what I love about it.

lol. I want it to get into iOS, like everyone else who codes it.

I remember when I got my first Java book back around 5 years ago. I thought I was going to be a Java master by the time I finished that book. I was able to make the basic programs just fine, but I didn’t feel like I was learning anything, and didn’t feel like I’d be able to do that without referencing the book a million times.

I’ll check it out!

I just sit at Barns&Nobles and read their books. They have loads on programming! :3

started with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, then Java, I also know the basics of C

I usually learned by just thinking of what I wanted to make, and searching things up on Google as I needed to.

For example, if I needed to know how arrays worked, I’d look it up. I wouldn’t have known the first index of an array of any sort starts at 0.

Yes, I have similar memories. I got pretty fed up with it, so I even dropped it for a while. But then I decided to pick up on it again and just get started and looked things up if I didn’t know.

Assembly (x86, PDP-11)
Basic (several flavors)
Pascal (Turbo, Waterloo)
Smattering of others (if you want to include CSS, HTML, LUA, etc.)

Lua isn’t an acronym. :stuck_out_tongue:

My list of languages that I’ve varying levels of experience in. PHP and HTML are the ones that I know the best, The one closely following would be shell scripting(bash). I haven’t really coded enough in any of these languages to have and advanced level of knowledge in these, the highest is withe php, with a intermediate level of knowledge. Coding isn’t really my main hobby.
Basic(haven’t used it in a very long time though.)
Java(At a beginers level in this language.)
MethodScript(Command Helper, if you can consider that a language…)

MethodScript I’ve never heard of, is it like JS? Web dev?

When you think about it, that’s a tough question… How do you define ‘knowing’ a language? Depending on that, my list could be anywhere between three and thirty. :-/

Off the top of my head:
Ada, Alice, AutoHotkey, Bash, BASIC, Batch, C, C++, C#, CUDA, Fortran, Java, JavaScript, LaTeX, Lisp, Logo, Lua, MIPS, Pascal, Perl, PHP, PostScript, Processing, Python, R, Ruby, Scratch, Smalltalk, Starlogo, Visual Basic.

Then you have to wonder what else counts as a programming language. HTML/CSS? SQL? Kodu? Mumfrey’s Macros?

TLDR: I have no idea.

Just whatever langs you know/learned.

It’s a bit hard for me to describe what it’s like exactly with the syntax when compared to other programing languages, some of it is to some degree similar to php(You don’t have to set types on vars that you use.), others sort of follow its own syntax style, and the style has been evolving a little bit over time with the development of the commandhelper plugin. It’s pretty much exclusively used in the commandhelper plugin.


A little example with a spawn script that I have on my server.

# spawn commands.

*:/spawn [$world = 'null'] = >>>
    if(has_permission('spawn.use')) {
        @player = player()
        @world = pworld(player())
        if ($world != 'null') {
            @world = $world
        # Try to get the world from what was entered into the command, fail if it isn't a valid world.
        # If it is valid then center the player on the block when they get teleported to it.
        try(@spawn = get_spawn(@world), @ex, die(color(red).@world.' isn\'t a valid world.'), InvalidWorldException)
        @spawn[x] += 0.5
        @spawn[z] += 0.5
        set_ploc(@player, @spawn)
        pfacing(@player, 0, 0)
    else {
        die(color(red).'Your not allowed to use the spawn command.')

*:/setspawn = >>>
    if(has_permission('spawn.set')) {
        @ploc = ploc(player())
        # Pop the player up into the air by one block to counter the bug of falling through a one block floor if the spawn chuck isn't loaded on the server.
        @ploc[y] += 1
        msg(color(red).'Spawn set to x: '.(floor(@ploc[x]) + 0.5).', y: '.floor(@ploc[y]).', z: '.(floor(@ploc[z]) + 0.5).', in world: '.@ploc[world])
    else {
        die(color(red).'Your not allowed to use the setspawn command.')