What should we call Sponge mods?

Droplets,Leaks or Foams.


Splugins or modules. I’m okay with plugins as it has always been called.

Gotta be something here Sponge - Wikipedia

And a set of plugins could be called a Porifera :smiley:

Also, there should be an anti-xray plugin called Spicule.

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nobody is going to use weird pseudo-words like spugin or other words that don’t really describe what it is.
@Konkz’ list is pretty much sums up the words people might actually use.

I vote against Modules because it will probably end up being shortened to mod, which is a common abbreviation for Modification (and thus wrong).

I like Extensions or Addons.

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Might as well throw my suggestion out there. How about spongelets?

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Extensions and Addons are nice, we should consider more words that are at least a little bit similar to modifications or plugins, something like Changers, and shortened is Cans or Chans(I like Cans more)!
But if it isn’t a problem we should stick to how they have been called from the start, Mods and Plugins!

Hmm, I like droplets/drops.

It’s already been decided to be called plugins AFAIK.

It would only get shortened to “Mods” if we let it. :stuck_out_tongue: Extensions would get shortened to “Exts” in that case, which just sounds weird. “Addons” also looks weird. Doesn’t roll off the tongue or look quite as good as “plugins” did. At least when we say “Modules” we can pretend we’re Marvin the Martian. :stuck_out_tongue:

@ColonelHedgehog Why would we change them in the first place?
And if what @simon816 said was true we don’t need to discuss what will they be named cause it has already been chosen.
@simon816 just wondering do you have any proof that this has been already chosen(like a forum post or a twitter post)?
If you do please link to it!

(Loving this forum :3)

I believe they should be called Modules, cause that is “swag”.

modules sounds very cool! I vote on that.

Modules. Sounds really cool.

Example Plugin, says it all really https://github.com/SpongePowered/SpongeAPI/blob/master/src/main/example/main/java/org/spongepowered/example/ExamplePlugin.java

References to plugin in the project ideas doc
References in the FAQ doc
Probably more

Yeah It does sound cool but there are 2 things to consider:
1.Modules would get shortened into Mods and could cause confusion.
2. @simon816 has already given proof that this has decision has been made!

Oh, we wouldn’t. Others would.

I second “pores”, if not pores then maybe suds or polys (plural of poly, as in polymer).

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“Suds?” >_> Really?

@ColonelHedgehog Just an idea.

Going off of modules, we could call them “Moles”