What should we call Sponge mods?

We could call them larvae. If you don’t know what it is you can read about it here.

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That’s more clever than mine!

Looks like decided already to go with plugins ;(

Plugins ~notenoughchars~

Don’t forget that Sponge is still in it’s eaaaaaarly stages of Development therefore the name plugins can indeed be replaced.

Just a question, if plugins has 7 characters and is not shortened to plu, pgns and such why would another 7 charactered word, like modules be shortened? I think it will be shortened to what we make it, as the first ‘wave’ of community on Sponge. If it goes by the name ‘Modules’ and someone calls it ‘Mods’ in a thread we can correct them, but if we start calling it that it’ll go poopy.

If Sponge combines Forge (i.e. mods) and plugins, then why can’t modules be shortened? They’d both function the same if it’s Forge AND plugins.

I totally agree with @ColonelHedgehog with the term modules especially when a number of developers from different groups are working on this. Having the term module allows other server groups to simply create a module to achieve the server functionality that that group is known for. Such as spout, they could create a module called Spout and any person that wants a spout server simply downloads the spout module for sponge.

What do you guys think with the universal server idea?

  • TangentSpy

I think we should stick with the easy-to-understand standard. For server modifications, we can call them plugins (perhaps addons), and then for the client modifications (Sponge is for clients and servers I believe, server side will just come first), we can call them mods again. Most people who look for modifications for their clients would refer to them as “mods” anyway :stuck_out_tongue:

I was going to suggest Plugins (plugs?) for server side only stuff, and Mods for client or client/server, but I see someone already beat me to it. :smile:

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I’d prefer plugins since the majority is coming from Bukkit, and users won’t be confused. But, I also like modules, extension, addon, etc

Mods, Modules, Plugins - that’s all old hat.
Calling them Doodads is where it’s at. :wink:


We’ve already called them Plugins because it’s the most technically accurate.


@DarkArcana True, but it never hurts to ponder. :wink:

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Suds, perhaps?


Sponge + Plugins = Plunges ( Plu from plugins and nge from sponge ) and it also sticks to the water theme

I think some of you may have missed the comment of a Sponge team member.
So here I quote:

I hate to be that guy and ruin all the fun, but can we please keep things simple and just call them plugins? I don’t know why it should be up for debate anyway. A plugin, module, and whatever else are being suggested are totally different things in their own right.

I agree, I like modules!

Spongules - you fools.

It is the only clear answer. A sponge module is a spongule.

Seems like some of you missed the Supporters comment.
There is no further debate about this!