Your first coding projects!

I guess so by the sheer amount of Bukkit plugins that aren’t in the slightest OO

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The first program I wrote was a Magic Square verifier. It’s in Portuguese, but I think you can get the idea… here.

It’s pretty lousy, but it was 5 years ago so… :blush:

I frequently catch myself thinking in arrays, objects, foreach blocks, switches, and iterator loops.


Zenity and apt-get dependencies… init.d… This was an ubuntu/debian only bootstrapper.

My first “real” language was Java. Before, I prgrammed in .NET and BlitzBasic(actually cool :smile:). I don’t have the early programs, they were really bad crap!
I can only tell you something about Android App projects. For example my first app measured the height of your position via GPS. And my first public app is this (not English, because it is an app for the people of my school. It is an app that shows you the “substitute teacher plan” of the school. I don’t know if this is the right English word). Of course it isn’t the first version :laughing:, I update it nearly every week.

My first program hum, I think it was a Ruby script 10 years ago designed to slow down as much as it could a computer. Why, I have no idea :yum:

Why is my computer humming so much?!

Sounds like someone was trying to make a virus… :trollface:

I’m pretty sure my first was something on Codecademy. I think it actually made sense.

I remember my first coding project so much that I can type it here and now

#include <stdio.h>
    printf("Hello, World\n");

I found this in the dark recesses of an abandoned cavern. Basically my first real program lol

def main():
	print("The Following Program Converts Numbers To Scientific Notation With Three Signifigant Figures, And Can Also Convert Scientific Notation Into Standard Notation.")
	nos = input("Do You Want To Know The Scientific Notation Form Of A Number Or Would You Like To Know The Regular Form? Please Type: \"science\" If You Would Like to Know the Scientific Notation And: \"standard\" If You Would like The Regular Form: ")
	if (nos == "science"):
		print ()
		standard_input = input("Please Enter A Number, Greater Than Or Equal To One, That You Would Like To Convert Into Scientific Notation: ")
		length = len(standard_input)
		if (standard_input.isalpha() == False and len(standard_input) > 0):
				if (standard_input.isdigit() == True or False):
					evalstandard_input = eval(standard_input)
                                            ########## IF INT THEN DO THIS ##########
					print ()
					if (evalstandard_input > 0 and evalstandard_input < 10):
						print (standard_input + ".00 " + "X 10 " + "^ 0")
					elif (evalstandard_input > 9 and evalstandard_input < 100):
						firststandard = standard_input[0]
						secondstandard = standard_input[1]
						print (firststandard + "." + secondstandard + "0 " + "X 10 " + "^ 1")
					elif (evalstandard_input > 99 and evalstandard_input < 1000):
						firststandard = standard_input[0]
						secondstandard = standard_input[1]
						thirdstandard = standard_input[2]
						print (firststandard + "." + secondstandard + thirdstandard + " X 10 " + "^ 2")
					elif (evalstandard_input > 999 and evalstandard_input < 10000):
						firststandard = standard_input[0]
						secondstandard = standard_input[1]
						thirdstandard = standard_input[2]
						forthstandard = standard_input[3]
						if (int(forthstandard) > 4):
							print (firststandard + "." + secondstandard + (str(int(thirdstandard) + 1)) + " X 10 " + "^ 3")
							print (firststandard + "." + secondstandard + thirdstandard + " X 10 " + "^ 3")
					elif (evalstandard_input > 9999 and evalstandard_input < 100000):
						firststandard = standard_input[0]
						secondstandard = standard_input[1]
						thirdstandard = standard_input[2]
						forthstandard = standard_input[3]
						if (int(forthstandard) > 4):
							print (firststandard + "." + secondstandard + (str(int(thirdstandard) + 1)) + " X 10 " + "^ 4")
							print (firststandard + "." + secondstandard + thirdstandard + " X 10 " + "^ 4")
					elif (evalstandard_input > 99999):
						sciencelengthhigh = len(standard_input) - 1
						for i in range(0, sciencelengthhigh):
							firststandard = standard_input[0]
							secondstandard = standard_input[1]
							thirdstandard = standard_input[2]
							forthstandard = standard_input[3]
						if (int(forthstandard) > 4):
							print (firststandard + "." + secondstandard + (str(int(thirdstandard) + 1)) + " X 10 " + "^ " + str(sciencelengthhigh))
							print (firststandard + "." + secondstandard + thirdstandard + " X 10 " + "^ " + str(sciencelengthhigh))
		if (standard_input.isalpha() == False and len(standard_input) > 0):
			if (standard_input.isdigit() == False):
				evalstandard_input = eval(standard_input)
                                    ########## IF FLOAT THEN DO THIS ##########
				print ()
				if (evalstandard_input >= 1 and evalstandard_input < 10):
					print (standard_input + " X 10 " + "^ 0")
				elif (evalstandard_input >= 10 and evalstandard_input < 100):
					n = []
					n = standard_input.split(".")
					firstsplit = n[0]
					secondsplit = n[1]
					firststandard = firstsplit[0]
					secondstandard = firstsplit[1] + secondsplit
					print(firststandard + "." + secondstandard + " X 10 ^ 1")
				elif (evalstandard_input > 100):
					n = []
					n = standard_input.split(".")
					firstsplit = n[0]
					splitlength1 = len(firstsplit) - 1
					secondsplit = n[1]
					firststandard = firstsplit[0]
					secondstandard = firstsplit[1:splitlength1] + secondsplit
					print(firststandard + "." + secondstandard + " X 10 ^ " + str(splitlength1))
					print("This Is Not An Acceptable Number")
                                            ########## IF STANDARD THEN DO THIS ##########
			print("This Is Not An Acceptable Number")
		if (nos == "standard"):
			science_input_coefficient = input("Please Enter The Coefficient Of The Scientific Notation You Would Like To Convert Into A Regular Number: ")
			science_input_exponent = input("Please Enter The Exponent Of The Scientific Notation You Would Like To Convert Into A Regular Number: ")
			if (science_input_exponent.isalpha() == False and len(science_input_exponent) > 0):
				if (science_input_coefficient.isalpha() == False and len(science_input_coefficient) > 0):
					eval_science_input_coefficient = eval(science_input_coefficient)
					eval_science_input_exponent = eval(science_input_exponent)
					if (science_input_coefficient.isdigit() == False):
						if (science_input_coefficient.isalpha() == False):
							if (eval_science_input_coefficient >= 1):
								if (eval_science_input_coefficient <= 10):
									timeswhat = 10 ** eval_science_input_exponent
									answer = eval_science_input_coefficient * timeswhat
									print(science_input_coefficient + " X 10 ^ " + science_input_exponent)
									print("The Coefficient Must Be Less Than Ten!")
								print ()
								print ("The Coefficient Must Be Greater Than One!")
							print("This Is Not A Realistic Coefficient!")
					elif (science_input_coefficient.isdigit() == True):
							if (science_input_coefficient.isalpha() == False):
								if (eval_science_input_coefficient >= 1):
									timeswhat = 10 ** eval_science_input_exponent
									answer = eval_science_input_coefficient * timeswhat
									print(science_input_coefficient + " X 10 ^ " + science_input_exponent)
									print ()
									print ("The Coefficient Must Be Greater Than One!")
							print("This Is Not A Realistic Coefficient!")
				print("This Is Not A Realistic Exponent")
			print("You Did Not Enter \"science\" or \"standard\"!")


It was certainly specific to Ubuntu/Debian. It’s what my class used, mainly. Most of the kiddies this script was for couldn’t handle Gentoo. :smile:

However, Bootstrapper? I don’t think so. Unless you mean that in a way different from its usual meaning…?


“Bootstrapping” on @Wikipedia: Bootstrapping - Wikipedia

The only bootstrapping done is modifying the existing init.d scripts for programs like Apache or an FTP server. The script itself doesn’t load or do anything unless the script is called via shell.

My first python project

Heh, I remember that :smiley: But really, what was your first coding project? (this includes markup! Woo! :smiley:)
<Goodluck finding your first .html file :troll:>

no, markup doesn’t count for me.

Yeah, if markup counted, my very first project would have been a Yahoo! GeoCities site I had as a kid.

Oh, wat. GeoCities? REALLY?! :open_mouth:

In this case my first project would be a tiny website I had in the 3rd grade :stuck_out_tongue: just learning HTML

My first ever officially real project was a hangman game in python which took me a week to make :smiley: