Firstly, I’d like to clear our name of flaming in this community. The individuals choosing to flame Sponge about Husk are pretty clearly trolls.
I am InvokeStatic. I am the lead developer for the Husk project. If you haven’t heard, we are developing a platform similar to Sponge.
There is clearly some blatantly false information being disseminated on these forums and elsewhere, so I thought it would be a good idea to clear up the misinformation.
If you have any other questions, another dev and I are here to answer questions.
Q: Are you affiliated with Mojang or Microsoft?
We state very clearly on our website that we are not affiliated. The person who started this rumor is an obvious troll.
Q: Is this a joke?
Q: Is Husk open-source?
Yes. We will use the Apache 2.0 license on release. The Apache license is almost identical to Sponge’s license.
Q: Who are you guys?
I’m a pretty experienced Java developer and server owner. I learned much of my Java bytecode manipulation from making and working on other Runescape bots.
Q: Why haven’t you released Husk yet?
Well, firstly, it’s not finished. Some big features of Huskd are still incomplete and we’d like to have these features finished off very soon. We are also dealing with some licensing and legal issues (unrelated to DMCA) that also take up a significant amount of time.
Stuff that is incomplete:
- Built in proxy
- Instrumentation on Linux
Q: You said previously that it would be released in a matter of weeks.
I recently went back to school, and unfortunately school has taken up most of my time. We cannot give any good estimate.
Q: Why did you decide to compete with Sponge instead of work with it?
We have ideological differences with some of the developers on the Sponge project. We also believe that competition is a good thing for both projects.
Q: Why is your website unfinished/have broken links?
We’d like to focus on making a great product rather than ironing out the website.
Q: Will it be compatible with Sponge plugins?
Maybe. Anyone can re-implement any API and run it along side Husk and HuskBukkit. It’s how our platform works.
Q: Will Husk be multithreaded?
Not until the vanilla server is multithreaded.
Q: Is Husk illlegal/DMCA-able?
No. We do not redistribute Mojang or CraftBukkit code. We’ve spoken to a couple of IP attorneys and we’ve determined that we are pretty much safe from any DMCA request from either Mojang or the community.