Command Kits v1.2.0 | Kits of Commands and Items!

Also, Can you make an option for one time use? if the server restarts and you have 999999999999 seconds on a kit, it will reset and be usable again even though the player was suppose to wait a million days.

Also, any way you could add an ability to pick random amounts of each item/command?
Something like:
commands=[[weight, command],[weight, command]]

Also: message="&9You used the example kit!&f"
Setting the message to “” or deleting it, causes it to send an empty message to the user, which adds a line to the chat, any way you could remove it doing that?

Hmm, is it possible to add cooldowns or costs based off permissions.

In your example, you use: permission=“commandKits.example”
(I understand that this is simply to check if the person has this permission, and not necessarily the permission that’s assigned to this function. But need it to be seen as such for my example.)

So, for “commandKits.example”, I want a certain group to have a cost of 500, so I would set the option (using my permissions plugin) of “commandKits.example.cost” = 500, if I want a cool down of 5 minutes, then “commandKits.example.cooldown” = 300 (0 could be for continuous use, while -1 could be for one time. And save one time use commands in some form of database, so that they don’t get reset after server reboot)

@Kevin_Lootvoet Try the {PLAYER_BALANCE} dropin :slight_smile:

@tridaak See above, currently no way to pick a random command, I’ll look into adding something like this in the future! It shouldn’t be adding the extra line in chat, I’ll take a look at it. Currently, you can’t make different requirements based on permissions, the best you can do is create two different kits and add the permission requirement there.

@Man_Of_Jupiter I’ll look into adding a one-time-use flag :smile:

I need check rule in kit.
if player have money > 6000 run kit else if player have money < 6000 can not run and deny kit.

How to set in config ? because player have money < 6000 can run kit. I need check money.

Right, so in the Rule section of an Advanced Requirement for your kit you would have something like: rule="{PLAYER_BALANCE} >= 6000" Do note however that this will not remove the funds from the player’s account, to do that simply have the console execute the appropriate economy command as part of the kit.

Would it be possible to use a tellraw command in a command kit? It looks like it doesn’t work when I try to do it. Gives me an Invalid JSON error because the " and {} disappear from the command.

Anyway to get this to work?

Here’s an example of my /register command.
“$minecraft:tellraw {PLAYER_NAME} {{“text”:“Click here to register!”, “color”:“blue”,“clickEvent”:{“action”:“open_url”,“value”:“”} }}”

When using {}, the first instance of { and last } (when opening and closing {}) gets ignored. Guessing it’s because of the {drop-in} system, probably checks when { opens and closes }, and checks the text inside it, if the text is a special string, then it replaces that with the appropriate value. (Well, that’s my guess on it, dunno if that’s how it actually works. Since there’s several ways for one to go about it, figured this would make the most sense considering the problem experienced.)

“{ anything here }” turns to " anything here ".
“{ {json} }” would then turn to " {json} "

Hopefully this helps :slight_smile:

How to config original command ?
example : /is create

You can’t, unless you configure the plugin itself. You can use aliases in order to make command aliases (which can override the original command), if you’re to do that you might not need command kits.

Aliases is still in it’s 1.0 version and has yet to be updated. So, you can’t add optional variables to the command, nor does it have a complex set up. Still worth checking out as it might help you out with your problem.

So, theoretically with this plugin could I sync it to my voting so that the vote listener gives the player the permission node as a reward. Then add in the give command to the kit and add a remove permission node into the kit so when they run the kit it also removes the node so they can’t use it again?

Yep, you could do that :smile:

What if I don’t want any message to be shown. I write message="" and it displays a blank line that pops up in the chat when I give the kit. Even when I try to remove the message="" to nothing, it still displays a blank line. Is there a way you can remove the empty line of text. Thanks!

Ah, that’s definitely a bug. The plugin has sadly been very neglected on my part and has long been due for an overhaul. Fortunately, I should be clearing up most of my other plugins Soon™, meaning I’ll actually be able to give this plugin the overhaul it deserves. For now, could you please create an issue for it? That way I’ll be sure to fix it when I make a new release. :slight_smile:

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can i share your plugin to chinese forum MCBBS? i will post your link!

Sure! But keep in mind that this plugin is pretty outdated :frowning: Hopefully I’ll get the chance to update it soon!

hi is there any config option so that i can put the for example apples in the last slot and the leather armor.
if u press E in the top row from left to right 4 slots the leather armor ? ect. etc.

Is there a “requirement” to make kits one time use only?