Core v2.8.1c

Thanks for help me :smile:

A new question for @p0wd3r, is it possible to programm something to allow or forbid a special craft like in forgeessentials mod ?

Nice! Iā€™ll have to add this to my server once there is a more stable version of Sponge!

Yes, I use PEX for permission management, the command to add the node would look something like thisā€¦

/pex group GroupName perm false

In the PEX config, the permission node would be under ā€œGroupNameā€ and have a -1 after it. I pasted this config a while ago that has several groups set up and ranks, I also create a ā€œPrisonā€ group, and if I put someone in that group, theyā€™re restricted from a lot of stuff. Check it out, hope it helps.

As soon as you have access to the Inventory API (and the crafting field) this should be possible, even for Forgemods.

Iā€™m getting this error ā€œJar does not contain plugin.ymlā€ thrown into console whenever I try to load. Using the mediafire link, downloading via chrome, then uploading via FTP to my serber.

Thatā€™s probably because this is a Sponge plugin, and you are trying to load it on a Bukkit/Spigot/Cauldron serverā€¦


I had amp set to use the spigot jar file not the sponge one. I feel really stupid now great plugin bye.

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That is the most graceful exit I have ever seen on a forumā€¦ x3


@CreepsterLGC Hey, I was having an issue with the CoreWorlds module. The worlds.conf file actually isnā€™t generating anything and is empty. I am running Core v2.7.3d and Spongeā€™s 978 Dev build. I can also send my serverā€™s log file upon request. Thanks for any help

I get the same ā€œissueā€. I donā€™t know if itā€™s a real issue in fact :slight_smile:

This should really be tagged for SpongeForge if the Core.Jar wont load in SpongeVanilla.
I was pulling my hair out, trying to figure out why Coreportals was throwing errors about missing core.
I did /sponge Plugins, and Core is not loading.

I finally noticed that this says [quote=ā€œCreepsterLGC, post:1, topic:9152ā€]
Works with the latest Sponge version (949+).

I am assuming that is Forge, since SpongeVanilla is spongevanilla-1.8-3.0.0-beta-129
at the time of this post.

Most of the other mods that Rely on Forge show that in the plugin Title.

Many people are going to spend days being frustrated by this.

Amazing Plugin, but not for a Vanilla Server is too bad.

The 3.0.0 version of the API was just released, and included around (or perhaps exactly) build 1000 with the release of the Beta version of Sponge. The bumping from 2.x.y to 3.0.0 means major, breaking changes, and thus this plugin will most likely need an update. As long as it only calls the Sponge API, it should work more or less equally on SpongeForge and SpongeVanilla. Vanilla is just a little bit behind in development, if Iā€™ve understood correctly :slight_smile:

Sit tight, and Iā€™m sure a version you can use will be out soon! Remember that it is still the holidays :wink:

You do know that vanilla clients can connect to a SpongeForge server as long as the server requires no client-side mods. You also gain the benefit of having all the forge performance and bug fixes such as chunk asynchronous loading.

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I had forgotten that actually.
Thank you for the help, I may try to update server to Forge Later then.
I reread what I wrote, and see that it comes off kinda wrong.
I apologize. This is an amazing plugin, and I didnt mean to sound ungrateful.

@CreepsterLGC hi! When a new version will be released ? :slight_smile: I really need it! :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey, im on the newest spongeforge it is the BETA, but core isnt working at all when i put the file in my mods folder.

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yes, Core donā€™t have released a Beta Sponge compatible version for the moment! :slight_smile:

the plugin isnt update to work with last sponge :stuck_out_tongue:

Ahh thank you so much!

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