**Discontinued** Pore - A Bukkit-Sponge Bridge

Only a small amount of plugins are currently working on Pore. If you want to stay up-to-date with news, it would be probably the best idea to join our IRC channel #lapis on irc.esper.net.

I can’t seem to be able to get to that website.

Get yourself an IRC client and join the Esper.NET IRC Network.
irc.esper.net is not a website! :slight_smile:

Seems I have absolutely no clue what I’m doing at this point. Meh. Did download it but with no sleep I have no idea wtf is going on. Any chance we could get a list of what works so far?

Just a little guide for you:
(connecting to #sponge or #lapis on esper.net is almost the same, just different chatrooms)
Connecting to Sponge's IRC

I’m not sure the devs are willing to write a list, as this holds them back from developing pore… :wink:

I bet ping works… the one where you write /ping and it says “pong”… the most useful of them all…

Currently our goal is to focus solely on expanding functionality of the mod and not so much on getting specific plugins to work. Honestly, the only plugin I’ve tested with Pore so far is Essentials, since it uses a very large subset of the Bukkit API (it’s still very broken btw).

@dragon_12dk I can confirm that /ping works. :blush:

Ping works? Alright I am set! thanks!

Also do you have a patreon or some way to support lapis blue projects? I would love to help keep you moving.

We don’t have anything currently. We’ve discussed the idea in the past, but ultimately we’d rather wait until a stable release of Sponge is available at the earliest. Regardless, we appreciate it! :slight_smile:

An update on this bug: we merged a fix into master this morning, so Pore should be able to load on Forge properly now.

ok, thanks for the update

Hello :slight_smile: I download the latest version of pore. But i need know where i put the plugins?
I put in the folder mobs but not work. And i create a folder with the name plugins, but not work. Can help me? Or say me a tutorial page. Thanks for all :wink: wink:

if pore was installed correctly a folder named bukkit-plugins should be generated in your server root folder.

if I pore you a cup of coffee would you work faster? get it… I said pore… not funny… I know… sorry, anyways keep up the good work :thumbsup:


No @dragon_12dk, no puns.

Looking forward to seeing this plugin flourish!
Keep up the good work.

Do you think their will ever be a place to download pore without having to compile it?

Err the CI… http://ci.caseif.net/job/Pore/

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Oh, thanks much!