Holograms - Easily create floating texts!

I am actually having the same issue as @IBG_Nova with grief prevention stopping holograms from spawning. I haven’t been able to sort out which flag needs adjusting to allow them to spawn. @IBG_Nova can you give me some direction? or anyone else that is familiar with GP cf’s

Thanks for a great plugin! I love what I see – now to get GP to play nice :stuck_out_tongue:

I just used the /cf entity-spawn minecraft:any true flag. For some reason I forgot I had that turned to false and I had to unset it, but if you are having the same issue then odds are it’s a entity-spawn flag causing it.

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Hi, can you add as feature something like this http://prntscr.com/dzf4k7 (item on holograms)

Yes, I’ll see what I can do.

Thanks a lot for the quick reply

anyway to fix this plugin to work with react? :confused: or atleast help figure out which version will work?

I’ll fix it soon. Sorry for the waiting time.

##v2.0.1 released!
For changes please look at the linked page.

@Khaoz this fixes your issue


when i reload with /sponge plugins reload after editing the config with color codes,etc they just vanish.

Thanks for reporting this issue.

disregard what I said. Its not caused by your plugin. it was being caused by huskycrates plugin.

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##v2.1 released!

The changlog can be found on the above linked page.

There is a new way of changing the text of Holograms, it is explained in the first post.

@codeHusky here is an API for Holograms, I’ll write a little tutorial.

I’ve got what I’ve determined to be a non-conflicting system for managing Holograms within my plugin, so I’ll let you know when the update comes out for testing. It’s 50% implemented.

Moved to Ore: RandomByte / Holograms

I released a new version there.

Link to API instructions: holograms/README.md at master · randombyte-developer/holograms · GitHub

Can you please add an alias for the /holograms command, like /hs?
And when you want I will very apeciate when you add a better multiline edit system, something like /holograms edit test line 1 , becose the imput,txt file is a bit uncomfortable.
Thanks in advance

You could try out the Aliases plugin to add new aliases to commands for yourself if you like.


That’s a good suggestion from @Inscrutable. By setting a very short alias you can create holograms with longer texts from the chat.

Editing hologram texts from chat, my ideas:

  1. /holograms set <32charsLongUUID> <text>. The UUID is needed for identifying the ArmorStand.
  2. First teleport to hologram, then /holograms set <text>. The nearest hologram will be modified, this eliminates the long UUID in the command and allows longer texts.

What do you think?

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Can be I nice idea, but it can create issues by multiline holograms, I mean when I tp to a hologram with multilines, I think the plugin will be confused of wich line is the nearest to the player

Thanks for the advise, I will try it

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