Isn't Dinnerbone updating Bukkit to 1.8?

And SWAT ;). :slight_smile:

I doubt he will. Because almost all of the Bukkit staff quit, and the DMCA takedown. There is NO WAY he can do this alone. I am sorry.

I moved 21 posts to an existing topic: Husk will be much better than sponge


Can we just ask dinnerbone and find out?


I did multiple times. He does not respond because he has so many followers and so much money to manage.

Badum tsss :stuck_out_tongue:

@5tingr4y I have to agree with you. If Iā€™d found a bombshell like that Iā€™d be irate to. Then again thatā€™s why ya always read the fine print.

Dinnerbone is too busy sucking down Microsoftā€™s free smileyā€™s to have time to answer us insignificant peonā€™s such as usā€¦ Your best bet is to ask someone how is more competent such as TheMogMiner.


Well clearly Iā€™ve offended some people with my last statementā€¦ But I stand by my wordā€™s
no apology from me.


It Must Be Quite Terrifying Having A Whole Community Against Him, Im Proud of his DMCA

And Spinning On Chairs

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@Niall7459 Necroing threads is not considered acceptable behavior here.