Kits [v1.7.4]

Cant put pixelmon items on kits?

Yes that is possible, and has been discussed in this thread numerous times.

This is an interesting idea, I can look into if it’s possible, but most likely wouldn’t be possible in THIS plugin, unless I make a way to put the book into a kit.

Maybe this is not a good plugin to do it… but it seems you can give a written book my using:

/give @p written_book 1 0 {
title:“Book Title”,
author:“Author Name”,
“Page 1”,
“Page 2”,
“Page 3”,

If someone was to create a config file, or have a plugin read a text file with defined fields for Name, Title, and (the content of) pages… it seems like it could be done.

It could easily be done - especially since Sponge has both AuthorData and PagedData

i have an error when i take kit :

My config :

thanks ! <3

I need to see your kits.conf under the data folder.


What command are you executing exactly? Can I also get Console log?

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I use /kit start (/kit vip) or /kits (and click)
In the console :


The plugin isn’t even loading. Try deleting your config.conf and letting it regen.

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Release v1.5c:

Tested on SpongeForge 1159


  • Added a book that can be given to players on first join. It can be configured in book.conf under the data folder of kits. This feature was recommended by @Jeremiah_Summers. It can be toggled in the config.conf

Enjoy this update! :smile:


It work ! Thanks x3 !

What… I was going to see if I could do it… You took all the fun away. :stuck_out_tongue: well thanks any how. Eventually Ill get my production evironment setup and do something productive. Not nearly as productive as you of course.

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How can i add pixelmon items?


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Kits does not work with sponge 1045 ? I thunk you program for both version of sponge 1.8 and 1.8.9, don’t you ?

1.8 is quickly becoming obsolete.

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yes, but mods are not all updated to 1.8.9 ^^ so Sponge could make update as much as they want, if mods don’t make their update, no modded server will be made. So…

I would much rather have a stable server maybe minus a few mods, then a few unstable beta quality old versions. Its not their issue, they offer an API its up to people to use that API and update their plugins. If it really bothers me to not have certian mods… I run a server… I should be some what intelligent and able to follow the decent documentation offered and either update the mod myself or pay someone to do it… Maybe even write my own. Expecting the API and core features of the Server to not be updated held back and for others to maintain multiple versions just for me… Undermines the whole community process and you end up with no one using it regardless, because the decent developers end up burned out from being spread to thin. How about we let them get out of Beta and then worry about backwards compatibility and multiple versions being maintained.