You can download the latest build here.
GitHub Repository
You can view the Kits GitHub Repository here.
How to Install
Simply drop the downloaded JAR into your mods folder! If you don’t know how to make a Sponge server, check out the Sponge Documentation!
Commands/kits [pgNo] - Shows a PaginatedList of all the avaliable kits, and enables you to spawn
them in by click on text.
/kit [name] - Spawns in a Kit with the specified name.
/kit [name] [player] - Spawns in a Kit for specified player.
/kit reload - Reloads Kits Config
/kit add (kit name) (item name) (number of items) (subtype) - Adds an Item to a Kit or
can Add a Kit with a Specified Item. Subtype is optional!
/kit interval [kit name] [interval | one-time (true)] - Sets the interval of a kit to a
specified number in *seconds* if you do /kit interval [kit name] true it'll be set to one-time.
/kit delete [kit name] - Deletes the specified kit from the config. Please note that
when doing this, for the Kits list to update you must reboot your server!
/kit reset <kit> - Resets the remaining time to use the kit again for every player.
kits.use - Access to the /kit command.
kit.use.others - Access to give Kits to others.
kits.reload - Access to the /kit reload command.
kits.list - Access to the /kits command.
kits.add - Access to the /kit add command
kits.interval - Access to the /kit interval command
kits.delete - Access to the /kit delete command.
kits.reset - Access to the /kit reset command.
kits.sign.create - Access to create Kit signs.
kits.sign.use - Access to use Kit signs.
Kit Specific Permissions
kits.use.[kitname] - Access to the /kit [kitname] command.
For example, if you wanted to give permission to use kit default, the permission would be
Note that if you choose to have multiple kits, and are using permissions and would like it so specific groups can only use some kits, you have to set the permissions for the other kits to false!
Ex. If you have kit default
and kit test
, and would like the following group default
to only have access to /kit default.
Adding Items to a Kit
If you’d like to add an item to the kit, simply use /kit add [kit name] [item name]
, and the item appears in the kit the next time you use the command. No need to even restart your server.
For example, if you’d like to add an apple to kit default, you’d simply do
/kit add default minecraft:apple 1
It’s as simple as that!
If you’d like to add say 5 apples, you’d simply do:
/kit add default minecraft:apple 5
If you’d like to add say 5 granite (a subtype of stone), you’d simply do:
/kit add default stone 5 1
Adding Kits
Simply use /kit add [kit name] [item name]
For example, if you’d like to add kit owner with a diamond sword, you can just do
/kit add owner minecraft:diamond_sword
Then, all you have to do is reboot your server, and poof! Your kit is ready to go!
How do you Spawn a Kit?
Simply use the following command:
/kit <name>
Kit Signs
Permissions for creating and using Kit signs are listed in the permissions section above.
The format for a Kit sign is the following:
kit name
Support Me
If you’re feeling generous and would like to send me a tip, you can do so using PayPal here. Any and all donations are greatly appreciated!