Kits [v1.7.4]

Hello, I might be being stupid but I am not sure what you mean?

If I was to give someone on first join a stone axe,pick,sword, shovel, how would I do this?


You make a kit, for example with name starter with those items. In the config.conf, set the starting kit to starter

Release v1.6:

Tested on SpongeForge 1188


  • Updated to API 4.0

Enjoy this update! :smile:

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Hey, only 9 Items appears on the kit, if you add more than 9 the others wont appear, only the 9 slots are filled

Relog, probs a desync issue

Can you add enchantments to items?

Not yet, I’ll add that soon

Can you add support to commands, like:

/kit add [kitname] execute_cmd:pokerandom @p

Edit: Add command to kits by FabioZumbi12 · Pull Request #7 · hsyyid/Kits · GitHub

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Release v1.7:

Tested on SpongeForge 1212


  • Added the ability to create Kit signs.

Enjoy this update! :smile:


Hey @HassanS6000
I keep waking up in the morning to a random middle of the night server crash.
I haven’t been able to catch it and see if it actually crashes the server entirely…
However, this is the log and it states something about kits in it?

Thanks for checking it out.

Huh. That’s very odd. I’ll work on fixing it later today. Thanks for reporting the issue! :slight_smile:

1 Like

Release v1.7.1:

Tested on SpongeForge 1229


  • Bug fixes with saving the time remaining before a Kit is usable.

Enjoy this update! :smile:

When I attempt to make a new kit, it just resets to the last item I enter. Also, no player could use any of the kits because the cooldown, even set to 1 millisecond, wouldn’t reset.

What Forge version?
What Sponge version?
What kits version?

Kits 1.7.1
Forge 1808
Sponge 1722

So any idea on why it’s doing this?

This is what the config looks like having I add an item

Contains all Kits data.

kits {
default {
trainer {
item=“nullpixelmon:item.poke_ball 5,”

Is this Sponge vanilla?

SpongeForge. I’m just another one of your Pixelmon users.

Invalid Sponge version…
Latest is 1.8.9 - 4.1.0-BETA-1231.
Unless, of course, you’re 500 builds ahead…