NostalgiaGen brings the awesome old Minecraft generators to your Sponge/Forge server. If you have an old world seed from the early days of Minecraft Alpha or Beta you would like to play on again this is now possible! NostalgiaGen generates worlds usually 99% identical with the original Minecraft world when using the same seed.
Supported generators
Minecraft Alpha 1.1.2_01
Minecraft Beta 1.7.3 (The generated terrain is equal to the generators of Minecraft Alpha 1.2.0+, however things like trees or ores might be located at different positions.)
After installing the plugin and restarting the server a configuration file will be created in config/nostalgiagen.conf. In this configuration file you can customize the biome mappings if you want.
You need a plugin to create the worlds with, for example Nucleus.
Create a world using the world generator nostalgiagen:alpha_1.1.2_01 or nostalgiagen:beta_1.7.3.
For example, using Nucleus: /world create -g nostalgiagen:alpha_1.1.2_01 alpha
Older versions (0.5 and older): Create a world using the world generation modifier instead.
For example, using Nucleus: /world create -m nostalgiagen:alpha_1.1.2_01 alpha
Note: NostalgiaGen is still in development and may not always generate the world properly. Please always see the known problems for details.
How does it work? Have you remade the whole world generator?
No. The world generator is directly ported from the original version to the newer Minecraft version (or SpongeAPI directly in the future).
Will this break with every Minecraft version?
Currently, most likely yes. Right now the generator is still using the internal Minecraft source, however this might be changed in the future as soon as everything needed is completely implemented.
I have an old seed from Minecraft Alpha/Beta. Can I use your plugin to regenerate the world?
Yes! If your seed is from Minecraft Alpha or Beta there is a high chance you can use this plugin to generate the same world.
My beautiful big trees decay!!!
Sorry! (Don’t think I can do much about this problem…)
The old Alpha worlds didn’t have biomes. Which biomes are used for the alpha world?
The worlds are currently mapped to 3 (configurable biomes) depending on the heighest generated block. For water, the biome will be Ocean. For sand the biome will be Beach. Everything else will be mapped to Forest hills in the default configuration (each biome can be changed in the configuration).
A few biomes that were used in Beta 1.7.3 were removed after Beta 1.8, how are they mapped to the newer biomes?
Note: The biome mappings can be changed in the configuration.
Rainforest: Jungle
Swampland: Swampland
Seasonal Forest: Forest*
Forest: Forest
Savanna: Savanna
Shrubland: Savanna*
Taiga: Cold Taiga
Desert: Desert
Plains: Plains
Tundra: Ice Plains
Biomes marked with * are up for discussion, if you have an idea how they could be mapped better just post it here in this thread.
Fixed the problem with the animal spawn by adding simple mapping of the old generated world to the new biomes. The old Alpha worlds didn’t have biomes so the biomes chosen for a certain coordinate depend simply on the heighest block at a the position:
If the heighest block is water, the biome will be Ocean.
If the heighest block is sand, the biome will be Beach.
All other coordinates will be mapped to Forest Hills.
This will make animals spawn properly again in the forests. The biomes used by the plugin to generate the world can be chosen in the configuration, just keep in mind once the world is generated nothing will change until you regenarate the whole world.
Added Minecraft Beta 1.7.3 world generator (generates the same terrain as all versions from Minecraft Alpha 1.2.0 up to this version, only trees or ores might be at different positions).
The biomes used in this generator are not all available anymore, because of that currently these mappings are used (The biome mappings can be changed in the configuration):
Rainforest: Jungle
Swampland: Swampland
Seasonal Forest: Forest*
Forest: Forest
Savanna: Savanna
Shrubland: Savanna*
Taiga: Cold Taiga
Desert: Desert
Plains: Plains
Tundra: Ice Plains*
Biomes marked with * are up for discussion, if you have an idea how they could be mapped better just post it here in this thread.
Updated the plugin to latest Sponge changes and it is acting as a world generator modifier now instead of a plugin that load the worlds manually. Because of that you now need a world manager like Project Worlds to create the worlds and you need to set the appropriate world generator modifier when creating the worlds:
For the Alpha 1.1.2_01 generator: nostalgiagen:alpha_1.1.2_01
For the Beta 1.7.3 generator: nostalgiagen:beta_1.7.3
See the main post for an example how to create a world using a world generator modifier. This has the advantage that you can now create mulitple worlds with the same generator.
When the Alpha / Beta world generation were replaced by the new b1.8, There was a huge sadness for me. And you’re one of the rare skilled modders who could make these nostalgic plugins, like Ted80 (OWG/RWG/FWG) or Barteks2x (173generator).
So I think you’ve done a complete part of Sponge world generation plugins.
If you can keep it updated this would be great !
And if you need any help you can ask me ! (Don’t trust me I can’t remember a java lesson)
In short, THIS IS AN ENCOURAGEMENT good luck to you !
Should the forge version of NostalgiaGen not generate the config file?
(I want to change the swampland biome to plains because it looks closer to the beta grass color)
Hello. I know this doesn’t belong here, but are you ever going to make a spigot version? I’d love to have a spigot server with this plugin! It’s simply amazing.