🌴 [WIP] VoidCraft - Vanilla meets SkyLands

When will voidcraft be available as a Bukkit or Spigot plugin.

VoidCraft is a Sponge plugin - that’s why it’s posted here :slightly_smiling:. @hoqhuuep’s original post has a link to installation instructions.

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I’m sorry, but as I mentioned in our initial conversation on BukkitDev, I cannot find a reasonable way to do this in Bukkit/Spigot without NMS. After creating maintaining IslandCraft for Bukkit, I know that I have no desire to start any more NMS projects.

(NMS is an abbreviation for net.minecraft.server, it means directly interacting with the Minecraft code, bypassing the Bukkit APIs. When you do this, you have to re-implement it again for every version of Minecraft.)

So, VoidCraft is a Sponge only plugin.

@Aaron1011 Do you know any good, up to date video tutorials for setting up a Sponge server?

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@gabizou made some video tutorials a while back, but I’m not sure if any exist for more recent versions of Sponge.


Is setting up sponge anything like setting up spigot and bukkit and are bukkit and spigot plugins compatible with sponge.

Can I just generate the world in sponge then transfer it to spigot or will the unloaded chunks glitch and generate the default minecraft terrain. This is a big issue with minecraft I wish terrains were fully customisable as in their presets adding in sky islands, and custom schematic buildings Not sure if that’s already possible but I know adding a recourse pack for certain worlds is possible allowing them to have custom music and sound.

As long as you generate all the chunks you want in Sponge and then don’t generate any new chunks in Bukkit, it should be OK. Chunks unloading should not be an issue. I haven’t tried moving a Sponge world to Bukkit though, so I’m not sure what else might go wrong.

There is some work going on to make Bukkit plugins compatible with Sponge, but it’s got a long way to go yet from what I’ve seen. **Discontinued** Pore - A Bukkit-Sponge Bridge - #306 by jaw818

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Thank god so is using sponge anything like spigot. if sponge has less errors more up to date so for 1.9 and is overall better then I will use it. also where can I find the sponge plugins and server setup. if the setup is like spigot or bukkit it will be easy for me. Plus I hope there are more configurations in sponge.

Also is it possible to have 1.7 1.8 1.9 compatibility I saw it on a server and I know blocks are different but this is a just an idea. So in 1.8 there’s granite well in 1.7 the block could be converted to stone for example. and in 1.9 u have shields and shield slot. in 1.7 and 1.8 it could be replaced for a banner and it says shield. the slot wont come up but the function could be added some way. Or we could just disable the shield.

As for the item ids and command blocks we could just disable command blocks to make it simple and for ids have a version conversion table e.g. convert granite id to stone, and shield to banner with the name shield.

I think you get the point.

NOTE it’s just an idea.

Also does sponge have plugin API which allows mods to be automatically downloaded for the server like recourse packs and I know it is possible.

No, Sponge won’t do that for security reasons. The serverowner could send the player malware like viruses and such, so no, this isn’T gonna happen.

Also most of your questions are probably answered on the docs: https://docs.spongepowered.org/en/
If you think that you got a question which isn’t i recommend opening a new topic instead of asking in this topic.

Ok thank you very much. But I know Mojang are working on plugin API to eliminate viruses and stuff, they have been at the project since 2006 now.

Ok so I got sponge working but don’t know how to install plugins as it is different to spigot. could you maybe make me a ready made server with void lands please and ill generate world.

If you’ve got sponge working, you’re almost there!

The next step is to download the VoidCraft and IslandCraft plugins:

Put both of these in your “SERVER\mods” folder. The same folder as you have put the Sponge JAR file in.

Then you just have to change one line in a configuration file:

  • Open: “SERVER\config\sponge\worlds\overworld\world\world.conf”
  • Search for “world-generation-modifiers” and set it to:
  • world-generation-modifiers=[“islandcraft:biomes”, “voidcraft:terrain”]

Then delete your current world (just delete the folder “SERVER\world”). And start the server.

I never put my sponge.jar in mods am I supposed to. ill try figure it out. You launch sponge with the run command in batch file same as spigot and it makes another jar.
so as you can see it creates another jar called minecraft_server.1.8.9.jar

Ok so I did it first time it crashed and said can’t keep up with tics.
Second time I logged on and the world did not generate. also how to solve can’t keep up with tics.

it says the plugins are loaded but doesn’t generate.

New topic is there a mod / plugin that allows you to load chunks automatically like it teleports your player to every chuck until all chunks up to say a radius of 10000 blocks is generated.

why does it say this.

[12:43:38 WARN]: Can’t keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server ove
rloaded? Running 33071ms behind, skipping 661 tick(s)
[12:43:41 WARN]: Can’t keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server ove
rloaded? Running 3546ms behind, skipping 70 tick(s)
[12:44:04 WARN]: Can’t keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server ove
rloaded? Running 2178ms behind, skipping 43 tick(s)
[12:47:22 WARN]: Can’t keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server ove
rloaded? Running 4516ms behind, skipping 90 tick(s)
[12:47:37 WARN]: Can’t keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server ove
rloaded? Running 3496ms behind, skipping 69 tick(s)
[12:47:55 WARN]: Can’t keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server ove
rloaded? Running 2964ms behind, skipping 59 tick(s)
[12:48:10 WARN]: Can’t keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server ove
rloaded? Running 2213ms behind, skipping 44 tick(s)
[12:49:42 WARN]: Can’t keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server ove
rloaded? Running 10178ms behind, skipping 203 tick(s)
[12:50:02 WARN]: Can’t keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server ove
rloaded? Running 12151ms behind, skipping 243 tick(s)
[12:51:23 WARN]: Can’t keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server ove
rloaded? Running 4937ms behind, skipping 98 tick(s)

That just means your server is slow.


Oh thank you. Probably because my ram is shit but I have a good hard drive.

Hello its me again it has been a long time and I do not want to give my server project up so please may someone show me how to install this plugin as I have tried and it has not worked. thank you.

What error do you get?

Also, looking at the above conversation, the only time you need to put sponge.jar in mods is if you are using Minecraft Forge; in that case, you will need to download SpongeForge and place it in mods. If you are not using Minecraft Forge, use SpongeVanilla; place it in the same folder as server.properties.

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Thanks for the tip but I did do that and the plugin doesn’t work. No errors it just doesn’t generate the sky lands world. It only generated the default world.