🌴 [WIP] VoidCraft - Vanilla meets SkyLands


VoidCraft is a world generator which replaces the oceans with sky.


Please note that these screenshots were taken with both VoidCraft and IslandCraft installed to the same world. If VoidCraft is used without IslandCraft you will get floating continents rather than floating islands.

Task List

  • Optional variable height islands (when used with IslandCraft).
  • Option to remove water and lava streams.

Installation Instructions


Source Code



@Inscrutable, looks like we have another cool WGEN plugin to test out!

I’m honestly quite a fan of the aesthetic, having tried to accomplish something similar way back in 2013 with my SkyStone plugin, though the limitations of Bukkit’s WGEN API made it quite hard to pull off.

From first glance, this seems like a far more impressive and fun worldgen already! The only thing I’d kinda like to see is some more variation between the height of each island, introducing some verticality to make the gameplay even more distinct from Vanilla!

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I want to see this on SCS, preferably SpongeVanilla. :slightly_smiling:


Oh yeah, vertical variation as an option would be pretty sweet! It’s not too practical at the moment as this is just working with vanilla biome gen which is more continent-y than island-y… But when I port my IslandCraft plugin to Sponge (woot for no more NMS maintenance!) I’ll definitely add it as an optional integration feature :wink:

I tried this VoidCraft idea in Bukkit before I tried it in Sponge, but the only way to modify the vanilla gen is either to do NMS, re-implement the whole thing, or use a BlockPopulator (really, really sllloooowww as lighting calcs are done with every block change)… Not nearly as easy as Sponge makes it! :smiley:

I ended up doing a little hack-y stuff with the Sponge implementation, I need to get a 3x3 chunk area of vanilla terrain in my GeneratorPopulator (you can see this here lines 40-69. There’s probably a neater way to do this, but I’m still feeling my way around the Sponge API.


Just to keep y’all updated. I’ve been working away at tweaking VoidCraft for a stable release. Also, I’ve been porting IslandCraft to Sponge. Both of these activities are making great progress but I’m not quite ready to make a release yet. I have updated the screenshots in the opening post to show VoidCraft and IslandCraft working together.

Hoping to make a release soon*. Thank you for your patience!

* For some definition of soon.


Yo im back sorry I never replied here im loving the look of the project and hope it can be created as a plugin. I have been busy but yeah.

Im happy that I mentioned the word sponge to u on the bukkit forums as this triggered this project without the word sponge this wouldn’t have happened praise to the lord of sponge.

This will be perfect for my future plans.
sneak peak:

PS would be nice if u mentioned me in one of yr posts lol.


Good to see this. We are thinking of using it to help make a new type of sky based server


You’re in the credits of the opening post :wink:

That airship looks amazing! From the testing I’ve been doing I have noticed that it takes quite a lot of time and blocks to build bridges everywhere, so using this terrain generation with movable airships would be fantastic!

EDIT: First BETA release of IslandCraft for Sponge is here! I can highly recommend using this with VoidCraft!

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Yes the server isn’t 24/7 yet and is in beta I have set up the start where you are in the tutorial of the server so far just waiting for the void lands world. Temporary server ip is beta.silksky.com I need people to help builders and plugin devs. NOTE this server will not be on when you are trying to join add me on Skype to be whitelisted and help.

if the ip doesn’t work use sky.piratetale.ro

Thank you im confused with all these names though. sponge. voidcraft ETC

Would it be possible (maybe config option) to remove water and lava from floating islands?

Do you mean just the single block random water and lava sources that spawn?

If so, it should be very easy for me to add an option to remove them.

Just leaving this link here to remind myself how to do it when I look at this later. I think would just have to make the VoidCraft WorldGeneratorModifier remove these Populator’s:

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I guess thats what i meant. I dont like 1-block wide streams of lava or water which are flowing down from islands, they look quite ugly and there is too much of them.

Hey im confused with mods and stuff could you just generate a world 10000 blcoks by 10000 blocks for me with this generator and then zip it and have a download link to it or if 10000 is too muck I would like it 7000 x 7000 minimum please.

I would like it to be like island craft but sky islands.
I would like the islands to be at y 63 9-12 chunks big and about 15 chunks apart.

That would be a about a 2GB file for the 10000x10000 or a 1GB files for the 7000x7000. I think that’d take me a couple weeks to upload, lol.

What I could do is send you pre-configured files so that all you have to do is copy them into your server folder and run it. Would that be easier? You’d still have to install forge and sponge, but I can do the configuration.


Yes but im not sure how to use forge and mods. can u send me a good video link you will love the outcome you coded though as my server will be amazing with this map.

Also couldn’t you just compress the world to a rar as the compression is better than zip.

Thanks to the efforts of the hardworking SpongeDocs team, the docs contain a great guide to setting up a server:


If you have any questions, feel free to ask on the forums on on irc (in #sponge).


I know how to make a server I have been using bukkit and spigot for 4 years now but I don’t know how to use mods.

When will voidcraft be available as a Bukkit or Spigot plugin.

VoidCraft is a Sponge plugin - that’s why it’s posted here :slightly_smiling:. @hoqhuuep’s original post has a link to installation instructions.

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