🔑 PermissionsEx v2.0 [API 5]

The command usage information is a bit broken right now – take a look at Commands · Issue #1945 · PEXPlugins/PermissionsEx · GitHub for brief information on what commands are available.

Also, if the folder config/permissionsex does not exist and a bukkit plugins/ folder exists in the same directory as the forge jar, configuration data will be automatically converted, including your permissions.yml.

Thanks for the quick reply! :slight_smile:

Is there a specific name that the [plugins/folder] needs to be? Doesn’t seem to want to pull the old data out of the .yml, it just rebuilds a fresh permissions.json and permissionsex.conf

It should be the same folder structure as from Bukkit. Just remember that nothing will be converted if a config/permissionsex folder exists already, but if that folder doesn’t, then file conversion should work. I’ll take a look at that code, but it worked the last time I tested it.

Ok when I’m back on my machine I will try what you suggested. My guess is maybe the capitalization of the pex folders from bukkit is causing the issue, I will continue to experiment and post my results.

Could you provide an example of how we would create a group please? And could you expand on how /pex [–transient] <user|group|etc> --context = works please? The information at Commands · Issue #1945 · PEXPlugins/PermissionsEx · GitHub isn’t really helping me :frowning:

Commands · Issue #1945 · PEXPlugins/PermissionsEx · GitHub has been updated to provide additional information about the commands. Let me know if that helps

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@zml is there a list of sponge permissions anywhere?

Sponge-specific permissions · Issue #166 · SpongePowered/SpongeDocs · GitHub is a temporary list until somebody properly updates the docs.

That list says it is incomplete (and it was marked WIP). Are there any pointers to the missing bits?
We’ll try to get a Docs page put together for it soon.

[POST EDIT]: The SpongeDocs Commands page is now updated with the new Sponge permissions.

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This is still just what I needed to finish setting up Perms on the test server. Thanks for this list! Now to just get the plugins to list all of theirs. Maybe someone will make a Permission Node Dump Plugin. We had one on bukkit and it was NOIICCEE. You could even find nodes that the authors had forgotten to list. Called PermissionFinder. Its outdated to 1.2.5 however.

HELP!!! i cannot use any commands on the server (plus i don’t know how to move players to ranks, add ranks, add permissions and more!) please reply ASAP if you know how to add ranks and permissions and move players to the rank.


Add perm to group:
/pex group [groupname] perm example.permission true

Add group to player:
/pex user [username] parent add group [groupname]

Just use this page: Commands · Issue #1945 · PEXPlugins/PermissionsEx · GitHub
You may have to run the commands via your server’s console.

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Not sure why, but PEX doesn’t seem to load for me. Any help would be appretiated!

Minecraft 1.8
Forge 1417
Sponge 472

Edit: Console copy/paste removed to save some space in this thread

Sponge build 472 requires Forge 1371.

Installed 1371. Same print in my console

Could you post the entire Forge log? Sometimes the clue to the error doesn’t reside entirely only the stacktrace. :smile:

In fear of sounding retarded, i assume you mean the rest of the console log :relaxed:

I went ahead and made that a bit easier to digest. Just waiting on @zml to add his two-cents.

Great. Thanks :blush:

Perhaps I’m completely wrong, but your permissions.json may have incorrect syntax? If you could attach it as well, that might be useful.