🔑 PermissionsEx v2.0 [API 5]

This is a Pixelmon bug, it has been fixed for the next version.

I need away to give this to my members so they dont get the waiting glitch how can i give them the perm?

Hi, love the plugin so far, however, is it possible to add one person to two groups? For example, a player if a player is a VIP and a staff member, when I add the staff rank, it overrides all VIP permissions. Here is the command I’m using:

/pex user (name) parent add vip
/pex user (name) parent add mod

Thanks in advance!

Yeah I have this same issue, I’m not sure how to add a “Child” rank.

You can give them the base endbattle perm it should be: pixelmon.command.endbattle but do note this give the user perms to end any players battle.

I am having issues making and configuring PEX with my server. I am running a Pixelmon 1.8.9 sponge forge server with griefprevention, spawncommands, and permissionsex-sponge, that is all i have installed for mods. The issue i am running into is when i am set as a default player in my own test server i check /help for commands, and everything is perfect accept one thing, all default users have the command /callback. I do not know what this is and do not want any other users to have this function but i cannot find the node to remove it, or even the essentials or pex file in my server files ANYWHERE. I have looked multiple times, i will even upload as many photos as i must to show you all what i am talking about, if someone would please give me a hand that would be great!
~ Derpicidal

what has been fixed for the next version? the topic above this post about endbattle? When and what is this being updated to? For PEX? or Pixelmon?

in the next version of Pixelmon the permission will be usable, it currently is broken

ok. Could you possibly give me a hand with my topic?

/callback is an internal sponge command. When a plugin sends a message to the user, the plugin can define a function that will be run when some text is clicked. However, the client only supports running commands. To allow plugins to directly run a function instead, sponge provides a command /callback that when given the id of a function, will run that function. This is a command that is present on every Sponge server and which is harmless to allow since it can only function when a plugin specifically requests it.

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So even with it installed and visible to others, they are going to wonder what it is and try to use it to their advantage.
I need a way to either disable it or remove it from the list of /help, but i do not have a help.txt or essentials.config or anything of those sort with the sponge pex.

Well they can run it all they want, it just won’t do anything, so I see no issue, especially since PEX doesn’t control /help output at all. If you want to do fancy things like excluding specific commands from help, you would want to get an extra plugin that will override the help command.

Could you please give me a hand with that? What plugin would run with spongeforge 1.8.9, pixelmon 1.8.9 and sponge PEX? What would overrride pex?

Nevermind all that, You are for sure 100% that if someone does find a command to use for /callback it will not work or anything?

Yeah, ids are generated on demand, expire after 10 minutes, are very random (using UUIDs), and don’t tab complete, so there’s pretty much no chance of a user accidentally running a function they shouldn’t.

Also it’ll be pretty obvious your server is running on sponge, and since this command is shipped with sponge, it will be fairly easy to know that the command exists without knowing any specific details about your server, so hiding it won’t do much for people who want to waste their time, and disabling it entirely would break plugins.

Ok another question
I am running into issues running all of my mods/plugins together on my server
I am running what is in the bottom portion of the screen in the file mods.

Now i am running into an issue. A big issue, every time i add Sponge PEX to my mods folder, it runs fine, but when i start to add groups with “/pex group Default def false” nobody is able to build??? I am having this issue and it is irritating me
i have the following Mods installed:
EconomyLite v2.2.4
SpawnCommands-2.2.3-mc1.8.9-forge (1)

The above list is every Mod/Plugin i have installed. I am running a Sponge Forge 1.8.9 Pixelmon server, my end goal is simple, have PEX Default, Moderator, Admin, Vip, and Owner groups setup, along with basic GriefPrevention to make sure theft and grief is not an option. Please someone message me back. I am having issues and could really use a hand. Thanks
~ Derpicidal

Not sure exactly what the issue may be. But when giving anyone or any group a permission, there is quite a delay on them being able to use what was given. I am using simple file method so not sure if that is why, but any ideas would be great.

Is there a full commands list anywhere? That would be really handy.

Running the def false command on a group is generally not what you want to do. This can override the preferences of specific plugins that might normally allow you to build. Instead, add data to a group as necessary and treat groups like they all already exist.

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