šŸ”‘ PermissionsEx v2.0 [API 5]

Using PEX 2.x is completely different, the .json file for permissions, you have to add in each permission from the in game commands such as /pex group add and so on.

Typing all the command in-game is very tedious compared to copy/pasting it into permissions.yml. Is PEX 2.x likely to add back this type of functionality?

I am not sure i didnt use pex 1.x or anything of those before 2.x. before that i ran a bukkit server with basic default plugins. Now its more complex cus sponge doesnt exactly work and integrate everything as easy as bukkit. so you have to work with it. and yes i know it is very tedious compated to copy paste, but it is what you have to do now for it to be exactly how you want it to be. At least that is my opinion. For me if it takes a lil longer but works 100% gaurenteed, iil take those odds over copy paste.

PEX for Sponge now defaults to using a H2 database. If you want a file you can edit, all you need to do is change the backend in the ninja.leaping.permissionsex.conf file: alter the line default-backend=default to read default-backend=default-file.
Just note that adding perms via commands is considered ā€œsafeā€ - it canā€™t mess up the formatting, whereas hand-editing can lead to all sorts of problems (generally syntax errors) that the dev understandably doesnā€™t want to have to deal with. Letā€™s be careful out there :wink:


I have both permissionsEX-Sponge and EssentialsCMDS 1.8.9-8.1.13-universal.jar
Every time i install Essentialscmds it breaks what i have setup with PEX already, all i need essentialscmds for is the prefix plugin portion, i have permissions for admin, mod, and default already setup with PEX and fully functional. But every time i install essentials cmds it breaks pex and doesnt let mod, admin, or default users do ANYTHING not evey break blocks, not even use /home and /spawn. completely broken. WHY???

I also use both on my server.

What worked ā€œfor meā€. I installed those 2 plugins at the same time after a clean install of the server. Then setup both configs. Then manually input (from ingame console) the permissions for all of my plugins. Then set all of my permission groups/permission levels for everything. Havenā€™t had a problem. (yet) That is what I found to be the best install option so that everything plays well together.

Does this feature word with build 1.3.1? And if so, should the file be named default.yml and the format just the same as the bukkit version?

Iā€™m having trouble with creating 2 ladders. Is there a way to physically see the current setup? Maybe save it to a config file or something? I have been messing with the plugin so much that I donā€™t even know whatā€™s going on anymore, def=true does not give some permission such as /setwarp or a certain kit for some reason

It will be ā€œpermissions.jsonā€
And as stated 1000 times here before. Donā€™t try to edit it with a text editor. Just being in the same room as this file will break it. (from experience)

For some reason admins canā€™t do any /setspawn. Any ideas why? And also if someone can tell me how to create a seperate ladder for staff, thatā€™d be nice


"subjects": {
    "default": {
        "default": [
                "permissions": {
                    "griefprevention.claim.flag.block-break": 1,
                    "griefprevention.claim.flag.block-place": 1,
                    "griefprevention.claim.flag.collide-block": 1,
                    "griefprevention.claim.flag.collide-entity": 1,
                    "griefprevention.claim.flag.command-execute": 1,
                    "griefprevention.claim.flag.command-execute-pvp": 1,
                    "griefprevention.claim.flag.entity-damage": 1,
                    "griefprevention.claim.flag.entity-riding": 1,
                    "griefprevention.claim.flag.entity-spawn": 1,
                    "griefprevention.claim.flag.entity-teleport-from": 1,
                    "griefprevention.claim.flag.entity-teleport-to": 1,
                    "griefprevention.claim.flag.explosion": 1,
                    "griefprevention.claim.flag.explosion-surface": 1,
                    "griefprevention.claim.flag.fire-spread": -1,
                    "griefprevention.claim.flag.interact-block-primary": 1,
                    "griefprevention.claim.flag.interact-block-secondary": 1,
                    "griefprevention.claim.flag.interact-entity-primary": 1,
                    "griefprevention.claim.flag.interact-entity-secondary": 1,
                    "griefprevention.claim.flag.interact-inventory": 1,
                    "griefprevention.claim.flag.item-drop": 1,
                    "griefprevention.claim.flag.item-pickup": 1,
                    "griefprevention.claim.flag.item-use": 1,
                    "griefprevention.claim.flag.liquid-flow": 1,
                    "griefprevention.claim.flag.portal-use": 1,
                    "griefprevention.claim.flag.projectile-impact-block": 1,
                    "griefprevention.claim.flag.projectile-impact-entity": 1,
                    "griefprevention.claim.flag.pvp": 1
                "options": {},
                "parents": []
        "user": [
                "parents": [
    "group": {
        "admin": [
                "permissions": {
                    "def": 1,
                "options": {
                    "prefix": "&7[&4&lAdmin&7] "
                "permissions-default": 1,
                "parents": [
        "common": [
                "permissions": {
                    "economylite.balance": 1,
                    "economylite.baltop": 1,
                    "economylite.pay": 1,
                    "essentialcmds.afk.use": 1,
                    "essentialcmds.back.use": 1,
                    "essentialcmds.home": 1,
                    "essentialcmds.message.respond": 1,
                    "essentialcmds.message.use": 1,
                    "essentialcmds.spawn.use": 1,
                    "essentialcmds.tpa.accept": 1,
                    "essentialcmds.tpa.use": 1,
                    "essentialcmds.tpadeny.use": 1,
                    "essentialcmds.tpahere.use": 1,
                    "essentialcmds.warp.set": -1,
                    "essentialcmds.warp.use": 1,
                    "essentialcmds.warps.list": 1,
                    "essentialcmds.whois.use": 1,
                    "essentials.build": 1,
                    "griefprevention.admin.claim.wilderness": 1,
                    "griefprevention.adminclaims": -1,
                    "griefprevention.claim.command": 1,
                    "griefprevention.claim.create": 1,
                    "griefprevention.entityinteract": 1,
                    "kit.use": 1,
                    "kit.use.claim": 1,
                    "kit.use.shiny": -1,
                    "kit.use.starter": -1,
                    "kits.use": 1,
                    "kits.use.claim": 1,
                    "kits.use.shiny": -1,
                    "kits.use.starter": -1,
                    "modifyworl": 1,
                    "modifyworld": 1,
                    "permissions.interact": 1,
                    "pixelauction.command.auction": 1,
                    "pixelauction.command.bid": 1,
                    "pixelauction.command.cancel": 1,
                    "pixelauction.command.hide": 1,
                    "wondertrade.command.wondertrade": 1
                "options": {
                    "prefix": "&7[Common] "
                "permissions-default": -1,
                "parents": []
        "default": [
                "permissions": {
                    "kit.use.claim": 1
                "options": {},
                "parents": []
        "rare": [
                "options": {
                    "prefix": "&e[&9Rare&e]"
                "parents": [
        "shiny": [
                "permissions": {
                    "kit.use.shiny": 1,
                    "kits.use.shiny": 1
                "options": {
                    "prefix": "&6[&eShiny]"
                "parents": [
        "legendary": [
                "parents": [
        "shinylegendary": [
                "parents": [
        "owner": [
                "permissions": {
                    "def": 1
                "options": {},
                "parents": []
        "helper": [
                "permissions": {
                    "kits.use": 1
                "permissions-default": 1,
                "options": {},
                "parents": []


Only question I currently have is there a way to change a ranks name?

For the group owner youā€™ve set the permission ā€œdefā€ to 1, not set the default permission. The command youā€™re looking for is /pex group owner def true

Any idea if this lag is something I can fix with pex?


Thatā€™s a more complicated performance issue. Iā€™m going to look into it in more detail once I finish up some changes being made to the relevant code, and hopefully I can optimize some of it.

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Hiyas, trying to setup PermissionsEx so our 1.10.2 server can run GriefPrevention. I gather we only really need two groups, the Admins and the default, so I set things up per the tutorial. Tried to start setting up permissions listed on the GriefPrevention page, for instance: /pex group default permission griefprevention.claim.create but I get a Too many arguments! error

The command is /pex group default permission griefprevention.claim.create true.

Thank you so much! Iā€™ve been banging my head against this for 2 hours :stuck_out_tongue:

How about MongoDB?

I want to put a cooldown set to permissionex.
Iteulga know what to do?

PermissionsEx does not do cooldowns. You would want to use another plugin that provides that feature.