Project Cryogen - Looking for Artists, Builders and Developers

love the project so far.
I’m hoping to learn coding soon, on sponge.
Don’t want to learn bukkit api then need to relearn it because of sponge.

I do know some html and I got some good ideas for Rpg server.

Need help? Don’t hesitate to ask.
Just pm me.

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Would love to have you on the project, we are always looking for more ideas and people who are interested in helping out!
Email me at [email protected] and ill get you up to speed with what we have so far and what you might be able to help us out with :smile:

Actually learning the Bukkit API can help ease you into Sponge.

My build team(part of it xD) and I would like to help you with the building and idea parts

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Can’t we talk on Skype ? That’s easier !

I started learning Bukkit on month before it got removed and I still keep learning it just so I will learn Sponge faster

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I understand that but I don’t have bukkit files.
Never used bukkit really only bukkit I have is like 1.5
I use 1.7/1.8 protocol hack

If anyone has the latest bukkit / craft bukkit jar files please tell me I will need it so I can start learning Java code. If it helps me understand Sponge API I will do it. :slight_smile:


PM’d you my info :smile:

That’s great to hear!, if you could PM me and we can talk more about how you and your team can get to work :slight_smile:

Thanks. I thought the DMCA would affect all of

Nope, just Craftbukkit :smiley:

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Thanks I’ll learn when I get home at 3 pm,
DotDash pmed you, about coding.

I’m okay in HTML, CSS, and JS, not too much in PHP, Python, a little bit of Java experience. Actually, don’t even include python at all. I would love to work on the website, since my java isn’t that good.

EDIT: I might be able to contribute to the plugin. I just might. I emphasize on might.

Hey if you need a website I’d like to help @IronManDoesMC. I’ve done several websites for myself and some organizations. If you need I can give you access to previous works of mine. I’ve mostly focused on HTML, CSS and JS. I’m fairly fluent with HTML5 & CSS3, I’ve really started using HTML5 because I started using Bootstrap for websites.

I’d love to, I’m have just started to learn html and some of php, just pm me to continue this convo.

I would like to help in any way possible. I’m probably a better asset as a builder, but am a decent programmer and would be willing to try to help with plugins. Let me know!

Still in need of a developer? Hit me up, I’ll see what I can do.

Ewwww wordpress…

I was just stating that was what they used, not that I like/condone wordpress