Would love to have you on the project, we are always looking for more ideas and people who are interested in helping out!
Email me at [email protected] and ill get you up to speed with what we have so far and what you might be able to help us out with
I understand that but I don’t have bukkit files.
Never used bukkit really only bukkit I have is like 1.5
I use 1.7/1.8 protocol hack
If anyone has the latest bukkit / craft bukkit jar files please tell me I will need it so I can start learning Java code. If it helps me understand Sponge API I will do it.
I’m okay in HTML, CSS, and JS, not too much in PHP, Python, a little bit of Java experience. Actually, don’t even include python at all. I would love to work on the website, since my java isn’t that good.
EDIT: I might be able to contribute to the plugin. I just might. I emphasize on might.
Hey if you need a website I’d like to help @IronManDoesMC. I’ve done several websites for myself and some organizations. If you need I can give you access to previous works of mine. I’ve mostly focused on HTML, CSS and JS. I’m fairly fluent with HTML5 & CSS3, I’ve really started using HTML5 because I started using Bootstrap for websites.
I would like to help in any way possible. I’m probably a better asset as a builder, but am a decent programmer and would be willing to try to help with plugins. Let me know!