Project Portals

Me again… I keep getting a server crash every time I try and use a portal…

[22:54:05 INFO]: SpongeVanilla
Minecraft: 1.8.9
SpongeAPI: 3.1.0-SNAPSHOT-4c0d27c
SpongeVanilla: 1.8.9-3.1.0-BETA-248

[22:54:29 INFO]: Plugins (24): Minecraft, StatusProtocol, SpongeVanilla, Blood Money, StarAPI, SpongeAPI, WorldEdit, Polis, EssentialCmds, Project Inventories, SBooks, Total Economy, PermissionsEx, VoteRight, Updatifier, ItemAuction, ServerListPlus, Keys, Project Portals, NuVotifier, Inspector, AdminShop, Project Worlds, Prism

Latest build breaks the database. I guess the Updatifier change log didn’t work. It should have warned you of that. It also says it on the release page.

I apologize, changelogs do indeed seem to be broken right now. I’m working on a fix right now.

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No need for apologies. Comes with the territory

It’s been fixed in the latest Updatifier release.

We’ve been trying this on the SpongeVanilla SCS lately, it looks incredible, and when it works, we love it. But today it’s been causing some server-killing lag. Timings says it’s down to entities, which seems weird. SV 248, PJP 0.9.41. No actual errors thrown up. It still fails if I disable particles too. Is there anything else I can do to help isolate this? I’d really like to use this plugin :wink:

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I’m not sure what I’m looking at. Besides for particles PJP doesn’t do much with entities. If anything it’s probably the DisplaceEntityEvent events. I would have assumed particles would be the biggest performance hit but idk. I’ll have to investigate further. I would start disabling some modules in the config and see what happens.

If you could do me the favor of testing this PJP dev and see if you get better results.

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OK, I have re-added it to the SpongeVanilla SCS, and so far, so good. I have particles, item and mob porting all off in the config. No serious lag so far, and the portals still work as they should. I’ll do more experimentation and see what happens.

Excellent. I think the problem might have been caused by the database being parsed every time an Item, Mob or Player Entity moved. I’ve setup some caching so that the database is only parsed if it’s absolutely sure the portal exists at that location. This requires a small amount of memory, but because it’s only caching a reference to the portal and not the Portal object itself, I don’t believe it will have a huge impact unless you have an unreal number of portals. I will have to do more testing to be sure.

Loving it so far! However deleting a portal doesn’t seem to work.

I do;
/portal list, and it shows “Center” and Center2" (my test portals)
Then I do /portal remove Center (it says it removed it) but the particles are still there, the portal doesn’t teleport you anymore though. Logging out doesn’t make it go away either. If I check the list again, Center is still listed as a portal-and when I try to remove it again, it states that the portal doesn’t exist D:

EDIT: I just tried restarting the server, and the portal works again, and I was again able to re-remove it (sort of?)

It maybe a case issue. I’ll check it out

What if you could see through the portal? What I mean

This is kind of neat for a single player world but would look pretty weird on a server and could cause some issues with region protection plugins. It looks cool from a one player point of view but it’s just not practical. Also it’s not really worth the amount of extra work it would take to implement. I appreciate the suggestion though.

Maybe this could integrate with the next version of iChun’s Portals mod, which will allow see-through portals again.

any chance you’ll go ahead and add a cost for using a portal that can tie into a economy plugin?

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Would be 10/10, I must say.

Shouldn’t be too hard to accomplish. Might break the current database implementing it though. I’ll start working on it.

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This is nice. Nice looking plugin.

So I’ve been spending some quality time with pjp lately. I’ve successfully added economy support to everything, and database breakage should be minimum as it should update to latest changes on startup; However signs will definitely break and most likely throw errors first startup after plugin update.

Struggling with commands after adding economy support, I’ve also made some pretty major changes to the command syntax to allow adding new portal features a bit easier. I have introduced the use of command flags. For example, the new syntax for creating a portal will be:

/portal create <name> <world> [-c <x,y,z>] [-d <direction>] [-p <price>] [-e <particle[:color]>]

I believe this is a easy format to understand and like I said will make it much easier to add features in the future. All flags are optional

I have a bit more testing to do before I’m comfortable releasing this. Feel free to leave suggestions and comments.

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