ProjectWorlds - Multi world management plugin

Hi TrenTech, I have an issue with this plugin that when I name a world either with a space
(Test World) or a " the plugin will state the world does not exist. Naming a world without any space or quotation mark will work properly. I would not mind changing the world’s name without a space but It cannot find the world to begin with. Any ideas?

How do we use TerrainControl in Sponge?

ALL modded items got scrambled or deleted upon creating a new world using your plugin.

It’s possible that world UUIDs got changed. This plugin probably needs some updating.
However, it’s always a good procedure to back everything up before adding plugins.

Anyway to make a world that is only 1 biome lets say a desert.

Is there a way to make this work with command blocks? I can’t seem to get it to work, keeps asking me for a player name.

Can I only allow teleport to a specific world??

If I enable, then they can just teleport to any of the worlds…

Hows to create a flat world?
the plugins is great!

Can someone help me ? I am adding a world that I downloaded to my server, put it in the root folder of the server, it is imported into the main world folder but the server does not recognize this world because it does not appear for any plugin, I am using projectworld to manage my worlds

If you’re adding non Sponge created worlds you need to make use of the /world import command

/world create <name> -dimension minecraft:overworld -generator minecraft:flat -options 3;minecraft:bedrock,2*minecraft:dirt,minecraft:log,minecraft:stone:2;1;

A new version has been released for ProjectWorlds, it is available for download here.

Multi world management plugin

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after removing some plugins I managed to make the command work, but now he qiz that the world I’m trying to import is not a valid world

Without getting any real specifics I can only make a couple guesses as to the problem. First I’d start with case sensitivity in the world name. The next is to make sure the world has a valid level.dat file. And the last is the verify that the world_root node in your pjw config matches the level-name in your

the main world works well, what is not being found is the secondary world that sponge sent into the world folder

I get that but importing additional worlds will not work if the settings mentioned are incorrect

A new version has been released for ProjectWorlds, it is available for download here.

Fix a couple issues with imported world
Fix tab completion with /world create

Hi there,
Is there a way to use Command Blocks to teleport players from one world to another? I’d like to be able to click on a sign or step on a plate to tp.


I want to set just one spawn point for 2 different worlds.
A: spawnworld , B:playworld
if users die in worldB. click the respawn button and respawn at spawnpoint of worldA
Can I solve this problem with this plugin?

I cant get a world to spawn with biomes o plenty i tried this
/world create buildingworld minecraft:overworld biomesoplenty:b_i_o_m_e_s_o_p
but it says that biomesoplenty:b_i_o_m_e_s_o_p is not a valid flag
Can you give me some help?