I am trying to create a direwolfe20 1.10.2 server.
I have started the server locally on my windows machine and all is good.
I shut down server and downloaded sponge
DW20 version: FTBserver-1.10.2-
Sponge version I used: spongeforge-1.10.2-2123-6.0.0-BETA-1878.jar
I placed spongeforge into the mods directory and I get this error: http://prntscr.com/d7k6ix
November 15, 2016, 1:53pm
applied energistics (appeng) isn’t compatible, remove it and you should be good.
One thing you could try is to launch the server using the SpongeBootstrap I made, see here:
This is a bootstrapper to launch SpongeForge with maximum priority.
There are some issues with other coremods where they load classes before SpongeForge’s mixin system is able to transform them.
To run, simply call java -jar SpongeBootstrap-{version}.jar IN PLACE OF a forge jar. All arguments are transferred to the actual forge launch.
Download Link , Source Code
The bootstrap simply checks if required files match the following filename patterns, hence you must have the original filenam…
(you will need to rename the FTBserver .jar to have the phrase “forge” i.e. forge-1.10.2-
for the bootstrap to pick up the server)
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Thank You all for the reply. I disabled AE2 and it came right up.
As far as boostrapper, will that allow AE2 to work?
@tmoflash I tried it yesterday and (after fixing it) it worked
November 16, 2016, 6:39pm
@Tzk how do I run along side sponge. I downloaded the files, do I place the jar file in the Mods directory?
November 16, 2016, 7:17pm
it should work like this:
download the patched AE2 build
replace the old AE2 build with the patched build inside the modpack
download SpongeForge
place SpongeForge into the /mods/
start the server
November 26, 2016, 1:16pm
Is there a patched version for the newer version? (appliedenergistics2-rv4-alpha-6)
I can’t find one anywhere.
December 31, 2016, 8:55pm
in my case even if i remove the AE@ jar fro modes folder, because the WORLD has some AE2 items, now many but some, I get errors
is there a clean method to remove the AE2 items fro mthe existing world, as I cannot loose the WORLD as its an existing multiplayer WORLD
open to ideas, thanks
existing v1,2,2 world no spongeforge,
Want to use spongeforge, happy to do without AE2 as RS is better
January 1, 2017, 12:40am
whats that got to do with AE2 blocks and items in the world before and after the AE2 mod is removed from the mod folder?
“use this” is far too vague, kindly please elaborate.
Happy New Year
If you READ it… it forces sponge to be the initial mod that gets loaded, so it allows AE to be in the mod list without preventing it from loading.
You follow the directions exactly, and it will allow your sponge based server WITH AE, to boot.
Happy New year
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