Sponge Docs Pop Quiz #16

Shadowing behind you in the dark street, it may be the

Sponge Docs Pop Quiz #16

Happy Joy! Things keep changing as fast as we can write them down, so here are some considerations for the curious whilst the traffic is less busy. Lend us your thoughts and ideas, and we’ll endeavor to bring the best to the light.

  1. Which Docs Index format looks best on mobile platforms?
    There is a proposal to change the way the Index pages on the Docs look here, using a 2-column format. We want to know if this looks OK, particularly on mobile platforms.

  2. Do we need more permissions plugins?
    One of the more entertaining features of the Bukkit ecosystem was the plethora of permissions plugins. In some ways, this was advantageous, although it also created a few problems. What do you think?

  3. What are the pros and cons of Sponge vs Bukkit, when writing plugins?
    SpongeAPI is certainly quite different from Bukkit, and it can be challenging when it changes preconceptions. Have you tried writing plugins for Bukkit, and also for Sponge? If so, how do your experiences compare?

The week that was went by in a blur, and left the old quiz lying abandoned in an alley. SoS VII is coming soon, so be sure to tune in for the next grand performance of the amazing Sponge Circus, filled with wonder, suspense, excitement and FLARD

  1. Both have pros and cons. I like the larger text of the old version on mobile devices, but I like the two-column layout better on desktop.
  2. I didn’t use permissions plugins on Bukkit (I just hard coded permission providing into my server plugin), so no opinion.
  3. Bukkit often required converting to and from magic values; Sponge handles them well, but the Data API is fairly complex.
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  1. No comment.

  2. There are dozens of popular methods of tracking player permissions on a server. More perms plugins = more possibility. :smile:

  3. Other than Bukkit being a dead API needing an overhaul it’ll never get? Sponge has more of a learning curve, but provides a lot of neat opportunities for flexibility. As more documentation and examples become available the API will become more accessible.