Bending Space, Time, and Bananas, it is the
Sponge Docs Pop Quiz #20
The year draws rapidly to a close, and the bizarre and unearthly tree that is the Sponge project approaches fruition. Very soon you will have a Beta product to play with; until then, here are some questions that we hope invite useful feedback…
Will you be running (or playing on) a Sponge Beta server?
The release of Sponge Beta is so close you can almost smell the FLARD. Will this be the dawning of a plethora of Sponge powered servers? -
Which Forge Coremods break (or are broken by) SpongeForge?
Compatibility with coremods is always going to be difficult. How many do you know of that just won’t work with the latest SpongeForge builds? This would help us target the problems that need to be resolved. -
Can you help update the SpongeDocs?
Massive changes in recent weeks have left the code examples in many pages slightly out-of-date. We need your help to get things fixed and reviewed, so if your grasp of SpongeAPI is sufficient, please join us in dissecting this monster issue.
Thus the banana was unbent by the mystery of Science and the wonder of FLARD. If you’d like to recap on last week, then here is a link to the previous quiz. Prepare for the imminent abundance of sponginess, and may the FLARD be with you.