This is a tab customization plugin that adds support for custom tab prefixes and suffixes based on the players group, or individual status, while being easy to customize via editing a simple JSON file.
Supports Nucleus Nicknames/Vanish service.
How to guide
To add custom tabs for players, simply get the players UUID and add it to the players.json file underneath the example provided. (Or replace the provided example with it).
To add custom tabs for certain groups requires a bit more work, as displayed in the default groups.json, the groups added MUST be in order from highest ranking (E.g. Owner) to lowest ranking (E.g. Default). If the groups are ordered incorrectly, then players may get the wrong tab assigned to them. Once the groups are correctly ordered, you’ll have to add a permission node to each of the groups you plan on giving a tab rank to. This permission node is (E.g., any groups that you have assigned the star (*) permission to must also have any incorrect group permissions revoked from it, or they will display that tab instead. (E.g. If I’ve given my Administrators * permission, they’d technically have as a permission, so I must revoke that, or they’ll have an owner tag in the tab menu) for this you’ll have to look into whatever permission system you’re using.
The default plugin configuration has two options, mostly suited for Pixelmon’s custom tab. If you are not running Pixelmon, or have the Vanilla tab list enabled via the Pixelmon config, you can turn the Vanilla tablist on within the config. However, if you are running Pixelmon or want the prefixes/suffixes to show above players within game you must enable the other configuration setting (Add to teams).
If you have the vanilla tab list enabled, you can edit the vanilla.json file and customize a header/footer that will be shown on the tab list. If you’d like there to be no header or no footer, set the “display” section relating to that to “”.
To “group” players in the Tab List by their permission group (via Luckperms, ZPermissions, whatever), enable “Add Players to Teams” in your main tabmanager.conf file. This will automagically enable grouping with other players of the same group.
From versions 2.1.1 onward the following also applies.
If you have group Ace that has “” permission node and then group Pro that inherits from group Ace, you’ll have to explicitly REMOVE/UNSET from the Pro group. Otherwise if you promote someone from Ace -> Pro their tab won’t update.
/tab reload - Reloads the configuration file, groups.json and players.json, along with updating/refreshing the tab list of all players currently online.
tabmanager.use - Allows use of the /tabmanager command, which currently only takes tabmanager reload as arguments. - Given to each group that you’ve added to the groups.json, with “X” being replaced with the group name in lower case.
Download the plugin jar and put it into your mods folder.
After loading the plugin for the first time, a default config, groups.json and players.json will be generated.
Edit the configuration(s) to your liking, and then reload them with /tabmanager reload.
Versions that require PlaceholderAPI can also use PixelmonPlaceholders to show Pixelmon related statistics to their players such as Player Wins, Losses, W/L ratio and a whole host of others.
Version 1.0.4 for 1.10 has NO dependencies.
Version 2.1.3 for 1.12.2 requires Nucleus and PlaceholderAPI.
Future Plans
Commands for easier in-game editing/adding of players/groups.
Keep up to date with SpongeForge versions.