What programming languages do you know?

If you want to do normal programming, C++ is the way to go!

?? what does that even mean.

I assume he means actual visual program developing. Just worded ignorantly and incorrectly

Yep. Can’t say I like it too much, either. That is one thing I learned from the ComputerCraft mod. :smile:

Software Dev., not Web Dev…

That’s the reason I (and everyone else) learned it, though I never used it. :stuck_out_tongue:

You know so many :open_mouth:
I know Java and a bit of JavaScript which is basically the same with a few changes

@Stefan, I hope you did not say Java and JavaScript are similar, because they are fundamentally different. Some syntax is similar because they both have influences from C’s language style

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Lua (computercraft mainly)

Kinda know, never really did anything with it:

  • Java
  • Ruby / Rails
  • Python
  • Bash
  • Javascript/Coffeescript
  • HTML I suppose…
  • Various database syntaxes

The correct file extension is .yaml. Nobody uses that though. :smiley:

Knowing a language is hard to define.
Here goes my list of programming languages I (at least) am able to write common things with:

  • Java (barely use it, not a great fan tbh)
  • TouchDevelop (Not a powerful language, but a great idea + the only thing I enjoyed on WindowsPhone)
  • PHP (see above)
  • Lua (Used it a bit for my TI-Nspire calculator in school, and sometimes CC)
  • Python (Like/use this a lot, write all my Bukkit plugins with it)
  • Ruby (Also like/use it a lot, especially Ruby On Rails)
  • JavaScript (Use it a lot because web. FYI: jQuery is not a language, it’s a framework.)

Not really programming languages I know:

  • Batch (lolwindoge)
  • Bash (use this a lot for scripts)
  • Fish
  • SQL
  • CSS
  • HTML
  • MethodScript (from CommandHelper, lol)

I haven’t listed stuff that’s mostly based on another language (SCSS, HAML, dogescript, …) and I progrably forgot some languages as well.

Languages I used a bit, but I wouldn’t say I know them well:

  • C/C++
  • Objective-C

Languages I might try soon: Go, Swift, Julia, …

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The correct extension of Json is .json and the correct extension of XML is .xml. What is your point? I spelled it out as Yaml. Why? Because that’s what it’s called: http://www.yaml.org/ I didn’t specify any of the others by their extensions so I don’t see the need to correct me.

discourse went mad, I replied to

Edit: It makes more sense when you look at this :wink:

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In no particular order

And a bit of JQuery

PHP (very little)
Python (Ditto.)

If you haven’t realized yet, I’m a very tiny web developer. :confused:

[quote=“redstone_sheep, post:112, topic:1808”]
FYI: jQuery is not a language, it’s a framework.
[/quote] Something to take into consideration.

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Programming languages I know:
Java (I do most of my programming with this language)
C++ (used for small, random things)
C# (using TShock, Terraria server software)
Python (began learning at school but I barely use it)
Lua (used for tiny things with ComputerCraft about a year ago)
Batch (mostly to shutdown the computer, start Java programs, etc.)

I Know!

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Python
  • Bit of Batch
  • Javascript (The Basics)
  • Learning Java Currently

Not a lot really. :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Java
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Lua (Kinda forgot most of it though.)

Thinking of learning Java-Script or C++/C#

Programming Languages:

  • Java
  • C#

Other Languages:

  • HTML
  • CSS (minimal)
  • JavaScript (minimal)
  • SQL


  • JSON
  • YAML
  • XML

I wouldn’t mind learning Python when I get the time/desire, probably also bash when I build a PC and get some linux goodness happening