What should we call Sponge mods?

Ahh, I was about to throw Droplets in. :frowning:

We can discuss it… Sponge is in VERY early stages, I daresay there’s room for changes that won’t take effect until after Sponge is actually out.

Until the developers don’t decide that they are going to change it we don’t really have to.

We don’t “have” to do a lot of things. We’re just talking about what a cool name would be…

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@ColonelHedgehog most people agree modules are cool.

The reason I say modules is because plugins is for stuff like bukkit.


Sponge is the future, the past, the present, and the awesome.

Sponge will become much better and more sucessful than bukkit, because it has plans to implement concepts from spout and forge!

Sponge FTW!!!

So, that pretty much sums up why I think we should call them modules. Bukkit was an old era, and since we are starting over I think it would be appropriate to change the name :slight_smile:

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Plugin is more of a general design/architectural pattern for software thus is not specific to Bukkit. Also, I should say that Modules have a connotation in software as well.

As mentioned in a previous reply changing what these things are called do not solve any problems. Better to leave as it is - it still makes sense and folks aren’t confused. Well, at least I hope they aren’t. :smile:

I honestly do not really care I just thought it would be nice to have a fresh start.
Oh well, I am here to hang out and have fun, not to start arguments, pick fights, or participate in flame wars :confused:

We cannot really dictate what the community ends up calling them, but I would guess “plugin”. A lot of the community for Sponge is coming from Bukkit-related projects, and we’re going to see all of them porting “plugins” over. I cannot imagine a name change being effective.

modules is good

Splugins sound awesome, very brand, much like

Mod is already good, it means Module, but also Modification and modaliscious, even modeladidweeplashgrocious. Dont ask me what it means.

I think “soakins” or like someone else said droplets. I really like droplets… cause you put a droplet in a sponge. Please lets do droplets lol.

splougeins is the way I read that
But I would go for droplets

Just what I was thinking! :smile:

Call them cells. Sponges are living things and have cells in them! Cells compose the sponge, just like plugins compose a bukkit server.

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More logical than Pores I feel. Very nice.

Just stick to plugins, if they are called modules then it gets confused with mods.

The current meaning is:

Plugins: Anything made with sponge in mind, server side only.

Mods: Interacts with the Forge API directly, modified client may be required if the mod includes certain features i.e. new blocks or whatever.
Server side only mods do exist such as the forge version of Dynmap, these would still be classed as mods and not plugins because they don’t require the Sponge API to operate (Dynmap may just be ported and the forge version dropped or just have a small plugin to interact with Sponge, this is just an example).

Where things get murky with this definition is if “plugins” use both the Sponge API and the Forge API directly (i.e. a bit like craftbukkit required plugins). They should remain plugins as long as they don’t require modified clients. This may occur quite frequently in the early days while the Sponge API needs more features.

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The past names for these things are fine. Plugin for a sponge-side thing, mod for a forge side thing. Changing names simply makes things too complicated. It may be a new API but it serves the same purpose.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SpongeSpongin, a modified type of collagen protein, forms the fibrous skeleton of most organisms among the phylum Porifera, sponges. Spongin gives a sponge its flexibility…

I’ve always thought of mods as the single-player modifications, and plugins as what I plug into my Bukkit server. We’ll end up calling them plugins, even though Spongin is a real thing!