Note: While stable and ready for use, this plugin is still in development. Make sure to check the “Current Features” section to know which functionality is currently available.
AdamantineShield is a logging and rollback solution for Sponge. It logs several actions (such as block and container changes) and allows these actions to be viewed and undone in-game. It places a heavy focus on efficiency to minimize the performance impact on your server.
This plugin is heavily inspired by the CoreProtect plugin for Bukkit, so those who have used CoreProtect before will likely find AdamantineShield to be quite familiar in its use.
Found an issue? Please report it on the issue tracker and include your Sponge and AdamantineShield version.
To install AdamantineShield, download the plugin file and place it in the mods folder of your server.
The server will likely produce an error about being unable to connect to the database. Once you have an empty database set up (preferably MySQL), enter the correct credentials into the configuration file. While the option to use a local file-end database exists, this is not recommended for actual servers.
Your plugin was recommended to me by some people from the Sponge community a while back, I actually started using it a few days ago. Impressed so far (more by the fact you’re actually actively developing it, haha).
Keep up the good work, looking forward to see how this plugin grows.
Lookups now show some of the block/item data when hovering over an entry.
Note: Logs created using v0.3.2 will be somewhat larger than those created with v0.3.1 because the new block/item data functionality is not fully optimized yet. Make sure to account for this so your server does not run out of disk space! Please check the release notes for more information.
Here’s a long overdue announcement: As you all have undoubtably noticed, progress on AS has been virtually non-existant. I’m no longer actively playing Minecraft, and as such there’s been little motivation to continue working on AS. I’ve been holding off on making this announcement in case a burst of motivation came my way, but that seems less and less likely as time passes. Because of this, I’ll be on hiatus from AS development indefinitely. Anyone who wants to take a shot at development is free to fork the repository and have a go at it. While I won’t be continuing work on AS myself, I am willing to answer questions about the code.
Don’t worry, I know the developer personally. Should I ever have an issue with the plugin, he will do his best to help me and my dev resolve the issue, open source-end.
AdamantineShield development is officially back! While the rollback functionality is not in a presentable state yet, version 0.4.0 will fix some of the bugs that version 0.3.3 had.
Added logging options for plant and tree growth.
AS now uses its own threadpool, meaning it no longer bogs down the Sponge scheduler.
The config file will now update itself when new options are added.
The file-end database option is now off by default.
Fixed double chest logging breaking itself in newer Sponge versions.
Fixed database entries from appearing multiple times when performing lookups under certain circumstances.
Fixed lookups being unable to find some players under certain circumstances.