ExtraPermissions "out-of-date" [v0.7.2] [API] - Permissions Manager

you don’t need wildcards, just use:


It will include all subcommands so it’s equivalent to essentialcommands.*

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:smiley: Oh I see! Thanks~~


So I tried installing ExtraPermissions, and any and every time i try to do any /experm command I get the unknown command error. Any ideas?

EDIT: I found out why. I am getting an error at server boot pertaining to ExtraPermissions, seen below. Any idea why this is?

You can show / upload config files from plugin

82 line PASTEBIN

So I have fixed those errors and I still cannot get the plugin to boot. It is throwing a different error this time and I cannot find it in the config file.


Permissions plugin now works. Thanks for your help!

Hey there! I am so glad that there is finally an alternative to other more complicated permission mods. One thing though - why is nameAPI required? I already have in Essentials a nick command, wouldn’t this counter each other? The command for essentials is /nick - Sets your nickname, which is the same naming for the nick in the NameAPI. For more precision, you can find the mod I am referring to here.

Thanks for the help!

Also, I have found that if you do /experm info command, if it can’t find it, it says this. Grammar nazi aside, I believe that player and groups should be differentiated no?

Each case is very important, not only with nicknames but also in groups

How can you give a permission to a player? I haven’t found much on that… Is there an alternative aside from the config file?

If I understand correctly, we can’t have a group starting with a capital letter?

/experm player < player_name > rank < rank_name > [ -t < symbol > < time >]

symbol: ms, s, m, h, d, mo, y
h - HOUR
d - DAY
mo - MONTH
y - YEAR

time - how long

Group starting with a capital letter can be, but you have to remember that it is so saved!

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Do we need to set a specific time?

There’s no need to

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First, good job ! Its a very nice and customizable plugin :slight_smile:

When we add a player to a group, we get the message : “player” is already “group” even if he wasn’t into.
Not very a problem but It’s a simple think that could make the plugin prettiest.

Good job :slight_smile:

How can I get the Prefix to show in chat

I have used the following, the permissions work but I cannot get the prefix to display. Also where in here can I add an inheritance line, or is there a command to add it

trainer {
permissions {

Nice plugin! I ran into an issue though. I do /experm group Owner prefix Owner and when I type in chat it dosen’t show it.

Think this plugin is outdated… what version of spongeforge are you on?