GriefPrevention Official Thread [1.10/1.11/1.12] TOWN/WECUI Support

You modified the wilderness defaults, follow the instructions in topic to generate a fresh permissions file then move your old perms back in. DO NOT mess with defaults unless you know what you are doing.

I just noticed you still have the lines I told you to remove last time…REMOVE LINES 7-33. There should be NO flag defaults in the DEFAULT USER.

You need to state the exact GP build and SF build you are using.

apologies i forgot.

Minecraft Forge:
SpongeForge: 1.8.9-1890-4.2.0-BETA-1653
SpongeAPI: 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT-1f5dac2
Minecraft: 1.8.9


GriefPrevention now has a Discord channel. If you need assistance please visit


Thats brilliant… Discord is good…

How can I disable the spawning of monsters in claims?
And, how can I protect people from any damage in claims?

griefprevention.claim.flag.entity-spawn false
i guess…
u can close pvp but ppl will still get damage from monsters…

Hi! I has connected your skype several times, but you didn’t reply me. = - =
How can I disable pvp in claims? I didn’t find the option to turn on or turn off pvp in config file.

sry im coming now im working on another plugin and really forgot…

How can I just make players can fight in wild and cannot fight in claims?

I am trying to get Grief protection to work for my pixelmon server but for some reason it just derps out my PermissionsEX I have it the way it asks and everything but I don’t know why it just messes up like that

It has alot of issues with pixelmon apparently(or in general i dont know for sure), i have multiple flags that dont appear to work in my adminclaims.

Well it is weird because I tried almost every way but it wouldn’t work

Paste your permissions.json file.

Paste your permissions file as well.

The issues i have is in my admin claim liquid flow and fire spread is -1 but my water still flows and my lava still burns wool nex to it and fire still spreads.

In the wilderness i cannot TP to apparently if i do rtp it says You don’t have persmissions to enter this claim(which i assume is about wilderness) but everything related to teleport is on 1. Also when it does not work my entire world seems messed up(as you can see in the picture) and i have to log out and back in again to fix this.

You need to paste your ENTIRE permissions.json file. Also state the exact GP build, Sponge build you are running.

Apologies here it is

29.08 05:27:14 [Server] INFO Minecraft Forge:
29.08 05:27:14 [Server] INFO SpongeForge: 1.8.9-1890-4.2.0-BETA-1653
29.08 05:27:14 [Server] INFO SpongeAPI: 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT-1f5dac2
29.08 05:27:14 [Server] INFO Minecraft: 1.8.9

So based on the file I just read, here is what you did NOT do…

  1. Read the forum topic.
  2. Assign GP permissions to any user or group.

I don’t know how you expect GP to magically work without setting any permissions whatsoever…