šŸ”‘ PermissionsEx v2.0 [API 5]

Is there a possibility to delete a permission from a user or group? Currently the only option i know is to set the permission to false. However this will leave a lot of redundant perms in the json file over timeā€¦ Currently iā€™m cleaning it manually :confused:

Are you sure that group exists? It looks like a typo for Prospector.

yeah that is the reason I want to delete the group it was a mistake when I was imputing groups. When I tried to delete the group I got the above error.

I am also getting simular errors when I try to use /promote all appropriate groups are assigned the correct ladders and all permissions for /promote are assigned to proper groups.

The delete command error was a bug in PEX ā€“ itā€™s been fixed in the latest dev build.

Please paste the full error you got for the /promote command issue though ā€“ that is probably different.

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Im trying to create a default rank for my pixelmon server but im having issues doing so any ideas?

/pex default user parent add group Default

Adds all new users to group Default.

Thereā€™s a list with almost all command here:


I cannot seem to get the ladder system to work properly. The ladders can be added in, but I cannot find a way to assign a rank to the groups, nor can i assign them to a ladder.

Any ideas?

i do it this way:

  • first made the groups inherit each other:

pex group <groupname> parent add group <parentgroup>
example: pex group vip parent add group guest

  • then i add the groups from above to the ladder:

pex rank <laddername> add group <groupname>
example: pex rank default add group guest

I repeat this until i have all groups inherit from each other and until i have all groups added to the ladder. I can now promote/demote users on the ladder:
promote user <user> and demote user <user>

This is how my (most basic) setup looks like without permissions !note that the admin rank has all perms!:

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i can i op myself? /op name dont work http://prntscr.com/a5atke

The op command is blocked by PEX, that is said in the message. The only way to have permissions is to configure PEX.

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PEX does not seem to set the default user to guest. I tried with a friend of mine and he got zero permissions; I had to promote him to the guest rank, which is what he should have been set at.

Any ideas?

Look 5 posts above. I linked a guide where this case was explained already.

I even wrote down the command to add all new users to group defaultā€¦ Just change the group name to guest and it will work.

Thanks for the help by the way, the ladder system is working perfectly.

My world is set to survival, and yet my friend cannot build. What is the permission node to build/break?

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There is none in PEX ā€“ MC has spawn protection, which you may have to disable in the server.properties.

Hey, so Iā€™ve got an issue with the default user group command.

So, I have a group called ā€œMemberā€ (with a capital ā€˜Mā€™, if thatā€™s important), and Iā€™d like all players to be assigned to this group by default.

After a cursory search, I found that the command:

/pex default user parent add group Member

should accomplish what I wantā€¦ But alas! After inputting this command, reloading PEX, and restarting the server, users still arenā€™t added to the group ā€œMemberā€ by default!

It should be noted that I migrated a vanilla Minecraft world to SpongeVanilla, so these players had interacted with the world before, but not the SpongeVanilla server. Iā€™ve attempted to remove ā€œusercache.jsonā€ and the ā€œ.datā€ playerdata files to no availā€¦ Any help would be appreciated. ;n;

Sponge Build: spongevanilla-1.8.9-3.1.0-BETA-248
PEX Build: #114
Other plugins: EssentialCmds-7.4e

An update:

I redid the server and generated a new world. I added ā€œMemberā€ as the default group, re-entered ALL of the permissions I wanted for the group ā€œMemberā€, and then logged on with one account.

Huzzah! The account, for the sake of consistency letā€™s call it ā€œJamesā€, was assigned to the ā€œMemberā€ group immediately, and all was well!

Then, I created an OP group called ā€œOwnerā€, and added myself to the group.

In a stroke of brilliance, I immediately ported over the previous world and entered it, leaving me no real way to tell if the server with the new world autonomously assigned me to the group ā€œMemberā€!

I am truly terrible at this.

Anyway, I donā€™t have access to any more accounts, so Iā€™m just going to fiddle around until some other people wake up and I can have them test it.

If you have any input, Iā€™m still looking for a ā€œsolutionā€ of sorts.

Hello !
How to op a players with pex permission ? Cause i must op my group to use worldedit, but idk how do it now :confused:
Thanks ^^ā€™

You donā€™t ā€“ WorldEditā€™s latest forge versions hook into PEX for permissions.


I just need use perm we in pex thats all ?

so i added this to my server and im using essentialcmds but when i add the permissions it does not work im not sure whats up with it but i guess ill need to wait for a more final release
im not gonna lie i did preffer essentials group manager over premissionex since i couldnt get permissionex to work back on bukkit either :stuck_out_tongue:
so a legit video tutorial on completion would be nice XD

i followed everything correctly i had the groups and permissions in but when id use a command it would say i dont have permission so im giving up