DTPunishment is a unique punishment plugin designed by myself for my community, DragonTechMC. It’s purpose is to reduce errors in punishment (incorrect or lack of scaling in punishments), reduce strain on the staff and help keep chat clearer while staff are indisposed. It includes a point based punishment system, automatic punishments and a chat filter.
We are already using DTPunishment, and it is the perfect plugin to help in chat moderation.
The configs are easy to use and highly configurable, and the mute/ban points help moderate the chat when our staff members are not online. This is also the only plugin I have found so far that provides a reliable chat filter for Sponge 5.2.0 (Outside of UltimateChat, which adds a whole lot of other stuff), and allows you to disable nearly every feature to prevent conflicts with other plugins and to cover their downfalls.
If you want a chat moderation plugin and you do not want a lot of the other chat features UltimateChat provides, I highly recommend this plugin.
Although I’m not the author of this it looks like there is a configuration option to get it to store to a flat file instead of a database:
// When we register the module, we need to satisfy the interface for the
// data store
// Choose it here based on the config
if (config.database.enabled)
However as seen in the source this defaults to false:
@Setting(comment = "Use MySQL database store instead of config file based storage")
public Boolean enabled = false;
So unless you’ve turned on that database config it looks like it should save files in:
I’d check to see if there are some data/<player-name or uuid>.conf files inside your configuration directory. Maybe there are some errors trying to create these files in some logs?
I did that and it worked! Thank you Think you could possibly add a permission node that would allow people to bypass the filter? Also for some reason, no matter the amount of mutepoints set to be added on players when they use too many caps, it gives them 4.
Would you be able to post further issues/ suggestions on our Github? They’re much easier to keep track of Thanks
But as for the permission bypass? Why do you want it? All players should follow the rules, no matter their rank.
I’ll test the Caps Mute Points on my server, see if I get the same thing.
EDIT: Nope, I don’t have this issue, make sure you use /dtp reloadconfig if you change it while your server is online, if it still doesn’t work then, post it on the Github.