Qixalite Hub Project - Developers & Designers Needed

Qixalite Project - Update

Developer positions are now closed and only two designer positions remain. Anymore jobs that are required will be posted here in the future and anymore openings will also be posted, so until further notice no applications for developer and web developer will be accepted.

Note: Special exceptions through recommendations from developers can bypass cancellation of application during this time.

Kindest Regards,
Kodyn Kugis

Qixalite Project - Update

Any building teams that want to book in a place on the project please send in requests immediately as well as lore writers who wish to join the team. Also two possible developer positions and one web developer position has opened up again; however, requirements for those positions have been heightened so please make sure you are highly skilled within those areas. Remember these positions are extras to assist in the maintaining and speed of development as we do not require anymore, but are giving the opportunity for highly skilled users to participate in the project.

Kindest Regards,
Kodyn Kugis

This is not a place to post/advertise servers and/or server hosts.

Why someone didnt mentioned that?

It’s not currently a server, It’s a project.

It will be maybe a server and also if not its still advertise

I’d say this depends on the license Quaxalites plugins will use. If it’s open source or at least freely available (aka freeware) then it should be fine to post it here. This way users can track development of the plugins.

If not, then i’d count this thread as advertising a server / a project.

This isn’t really “Advertising”. Currently, it’s being used as a topic to update users on the progress of the project itself, as well as being used as a way to inform potential collaborators about opportunities to join.

There are no links, no website to visit if there was, nor is there a server that you can join.

By the time Qixalite is finished, if there is not an appropriate topic where you can advertise your servers (if this is something we decide to do in the future), this topic will be closed. At that time, if the topic is closed, there will, again, be no links posted.


I have absolutely no problem with the whole topic (at least if the owners will not earn money with it and as said by @Tzk that the work of them will be open source) but as i saw it is the secound one i just wanted to say that so you can “judge” if its alright or not.

The work won’t be open-source, but I’m unsure of why that matters. However, we have QixCommon, which will contain open-source code.

The Sponge-programmers are making code for free and giving the SOURCE of it to the users too. In my opinion making use of it to earn money(more money than actually needed to keep the server online) or make something not open, its like someone borrow you something and then you sell it to someone.

I don’t know where you got that from, but no one exept you has stated that Quaxalite will make money off their servers.

Even if: where’s the problem with that? The server admin will get more than enough work by maintaining the server so why not pay him for his work?

This has gone wayyy offtopic. I’d suggest keeping this on topic and consulting sponge staff if in doubt.


Not making something open source is not necessarily making money on it. There is no obligation whatsoever of opensourcing what you make with the SpongeAPI and the license even permits commercial use (selling it), although that may not comply with Minecraft’s EULA depending on case (actually, it’ll conflict most of the time).

Also, what does keeping the server online mean for you? Paying server bills? To keep a server online, you also need staff. So paying staff (although we all work for free), could be seen as “what’s needed to keep the server up”.

Not to mention that the project has the final say on monetization within the bounds of the EULA. (And we don’t make any money at the moment.)


You’re missing the point of OSS. OpenSource Software is developed so that you can freely develop applications based off of - or inside of - the work of your predecessors.

OSS isn’t necessarily some snobby “I released this for free, so you have to do the same thing” archetype. The MIT license permits its developers to do so with the code what they wish. Does Sponge have to approve of it? Not at all.

However, we’re not breaking any rules, and there are A. Multitude. of Other. Topics. Which have recieved no criticism. At this point, you’re throwing this thread off-topic trying to back-seat moderate a thread which isn’t breaking any rules.

EDIT: I’m not going to remove the entire conversation that has happened up to this point, however further posts that are off-topic will be flagged and removed. <3


Okay, now let’s get back on topic.


As much as developers who work for free would like to get paid, developers make software for the benefit of the community. Think of it like community service. It’s done out of the goodness of your heart, not because you’ll gain something from it, but because other people will.


OMG!! @AgentTrolldude you just sum up the exact reason why I and most probably many others, develop. :smiley:

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Qixalite Project - Update

As an update to the project we have drawn closer to finishing the Qixalite Minigame API which will then lead into the creation of the minigames we have planned such as Hunger Games and Kart Racing. We have completed QixReport which is our own personal reporting system that players can utilise in response to a rule breaker; furthermore, we have QixCommons which is opensource code which will allow us to contribute to the ever growing sponge community. Although this may be good that I am telling you this, but what if you are new and not entirely sure what you are looking at in QixCommons or your a developer joining the team and want to be brought up to speed? Well we have begun dedicating time into a lot of documentation on all our developments to further assist in the ease of understanding what has been made and how you can utilise it or build off of it.

Note: The second last designer position is now being trialed and if successful means only one designer position remains. As well as two developer positions are still open, but are only accepted if you have a high caliber of knowledge as well as experience in the area we are looking for as a developer.

Kindest Regards,
Kodyn Kugis


Qixalite Project - Update

Today we have completed alpha version of the Minigame API and as it draws to beta release we have set the ground works for the minigames. As we approach construction to the core of the Qixalite project we are planning to release development previews through live streams on twitch and possibly youtube build previews on a variety of map builds that will be in construction in the coming months/weeks. Tho minigames are not our heart and soul, but Qixalite itself is, so in meaning of that the planning stages of the MMORPG has begun; however, you might ask how the MMORPG style mode conveys our devotion for Qixalite? Well the MMORPG style mode will be the permanent world that delivers an authentic story line and unique universe that awaits adventurers to explore as well as understand from the home planet to other worlds which you can conquer, discover and even colonize with our upcoming Civilization plugin!

Note: We are still looking for two remaining developer positions out of the six that were available, also two designer positions out of the three are open and one web developer position out of the two are open.

Update: Web developer update; Node.js, Sails.js, Ember.js, and SANE stack are now the requirement to know.

Kindest Regards,
Kodyn Kugis


Qixalite Project - Update

The design of the website has been finalized and official construction of it will now commence.

Home Page Design - Completed Design

About Us Page Design - Still in construction

Kindest Regards,
Kodyn Kugis


Qixalite Project - Update

Five developer positions have been officially filled and only one developer position remains as well as two designer positions and one web developer position still remain open. If you are interested please contact me ASAP with an application so we can process and evaluate you to whether we are looking for someone with your skill set.

Current Designer: @Kenyan
Current Developers: @FerusGrim, @TBotV63, @Xemiru, @jamierocks, @mmonkey
Current Web Developers: @Kenyan, @Wetsponge

Kindest Regards,
Kodyn Kugis