Simple Tags

Simple Tags

Simple Tags has one purpose. To allows the creation custom chat tags for players, worlds, groups and the server itself. Permission plugin recommended but not required.

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Creating plugins for Sponge takes time and effort. If you enjoy the hard work Iā€™ve put into to this please feel free to get my a cup of coffee. It is much appreciated.


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:nut_and_bolt: REQUIRES

:electric_plug: Plugins using SimpleTags


:wrench: Permissions


:hammer: Commands

/tag - get help with commands listed below. Contains hover and click events for navigation
/tag player
/tag player default
/tag group
/tag server
/tag world
/tag broadcast - only available if Simple Chat is installed
/tag channel - only available if Simple Chat is installed

:notebook: Navigation

If your new to Simple Tags, the best place to start is the /tag command. From here you will find a list of available commands you have permission to use.

Clicking any of the commands in the figure above will bring up more details about that command, including syntax and examples

When executing a command, if you are not sure about what an argument if for, typing the command with no arguments will bring up a syntax example.



Whenever I try to set a tag to a group designated from ExtraPermissions, It brings up ā€œgroup does not existā€ in bold red font.

Any ideas?

I havenā€™t done any tests with extrapermissions. Have you tried pex? Iā€™ll look into it when I have the chance

PEX has an outdated tutorial so I could not understand it.

in pex the command should be /pex group (group-name) prefix set (desiredprefix)

if you are on a server i could get on and help you if needed.

Yeah I do find their documentation is all over the place, but once you figure it out its a powerful plugin. Anyways Iā€™ll look into ExtraPermissions, see if itā€™s on my end or theirs

That would be lovely actually since I have no idea how to use PEX. I spent almost a week on ExtraPermissions alone.

Alright ask me anything i have been using PEX for almost 2 years now and i would be glad to assist you.

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Alright, I will PM you to keep this thread on its rails.

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Can this plugin utilize set prefixes that PEX groups already have or will the tags need to be assigned again? I also was wondering if the world tag and channel tag could be removed entirely. Iā€™m really looking for just something to show PEX tags with /list. Thanks.

By default no group or world tags are set automatically, so if you donā€™t need world tags simply donā€™t create them. As far as PEX prefixes go, I havenā€™t done any tests so I couldnā€™t say. I mean this plugin isnā€™t going to know anything about the pex group prefixes, but thatā€™s not saying that they wonā€™t be displayed. Iā€™ll have to test that out. I would say give it a try and see what happens.

Iā€™ll do that. Iā€™ll post back here when I know more. Thanks for the response

So I ran the plugin and it seems that PEX prefixes will not work. Thatā€™s not an issue so much as the player name being strictly Orange enclosed in brackets. Can this be customized?

yes you can change the default player tag with /tag player default. In the custom tag use the argument %PLAYER% in substutute for player names, for example /tag player default &e[%PLAYER%]

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Very nice. I like this plugin so far. It makes it much easier to assign prefixes to individuals rather than through PEX. Great job on it.

Thanks. If you have any problems just let me know.

Iā€™ll mention that if you give players the permission to create their own player tags, you can hover over there tag in the chat to see their actual ign, as to prevent players to disguising them as someone else.

Is there a way to remove a tag from a player/group/world entirely?

Never mind, I believe that I was getting slightly confused with the player tag. I realized that I could just do /tag player %PLAYER% and that would clear that up.

You can reset tags by doing /tag group [group] reset