UNMAINTAINED - 🌍 Nations [v2.5] - Towny-like protection plugin

This project is now unmaintained (which means nobody is currently working on it). If you’re a developer willing to take over the project, please feel free to fork it on GitHub and create a new thread on the Sponge Forums/Ore Repository.


Nations is a plugin similar to Towny Advanced. It enables player to create nations, (what was called towns in Towny), invite players to join their nations, claim land etc.

Nation has a president, who can appoint ministers with same permissions as him. President and ministers can create zones that are buyable by citizens of the nation. The owner of a zone has all permissions on it and can have coowners.

This plugin’s specificity is that land can be claimed by selecting an area with a golden axe (right/left click). Selection is considered to be vertically expanded. Thanks to that, nation’s territory and zones are precisely defined and not subject to plot constraints.

:floppy_disk: Downloads

All Nations releases are available here.

:flag_black: Translation

The plugin supports translation. It automatically generates a file named language.conf in its main folder. You can modify this file to translate the plugin. I’m currently searching for translators. Any translation would be very appreciated.

You can get translations here. For now we have

Big thanks to our nice translators

:gear: Issues

Please report any bug or give your ideas on the github issues or here in the sponge forums thread (github preferred).

:wrench: Source

See the github repository.

:books: Wiki

You’ll find the complete wiki here on github with


I’ll be sure to test out this plugin on my server and help provide any issues I run into.

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Ran into issues with Nations not working with any Economy plugin. I am running Sponge V3.1.X 1136, running the Pixelmon Mod.

I think this is because you’re using v3.1.x of the API, you should update to v4.x.x

There has been a change in the economy service method getAccount was changed to getOrCreateAccount.

Btw I forgot to mention but Nations indeed needs an economy plugin to work correctly. Although it is supposed to inform you that you don’t have any economy plugin when performing commands that require it.

I did have an economy plugin and I would update but the mod is running on an older version of Forge which limits me to the current version of Sponge as any higher builds do not work.

I have the same problem as jstow96 but I’m already in 4.x.x. I’m using Flan’s mod in 1.8 minecraft version.

[Server thread/ERROR] [Sponge]: Error occurred while executing command 'n create - Pastebin.com

What economy plugin are you using ?

I’m using TotalEconomy-v1.4.0

I don’t have that issue using TotalEconomy v1.4.0

What’s your sponge/forge/spongevanilla version ?


Didn’t know a 1.8 version of SpongeForge was updated to 4.0…It’s not on the downloads page, wherever it came from it looks pretty clear that the Economy API it’s using is old

EDIT: OK I found it nested within all the 3.0.0 downloads. but the time-stamp is a clue, its not going to work here considering the 4.0.0 API wasn’t released until March and this build was in January

So i can’t stay in 1.8 and use nations plugin ?

I’ve just tested that out with the versions below and it worked for me.


Also tested it out with:


Recommend checking if they have permission in these listeners like so:

trans.setValid(DataHandler.getPerm("build", player.getUniqueId(), loc));
if(!(DataHandler.getPerm("build", player.getUniqueId(), loc)))
   player.sendMessage(Text.of(TextColors.RED, LanguageHandler.HH));

as currently the message saying they cannot build fires all the time even if they have permissions and allows them to build/break

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You’re right !, My mistake :sweat_smile:

Fixed here.

Thanks for reporting issues ! That really help me a lot since I don’t have time to check all features in the plugin.

Nations Pre-Release v0.2

Targets SpongeAPI v4.0.3


  • Fixed no perm message send to player even though he has perm to build

Is it possible for you to add a config option for people to be able to build and interact in the wasteland?

That’s possible indeed. I’m thinking about adding world config. More precisely admins would be able to configurate Nations’ default permissions (build/interact) in wilderness (that’s what you mean by wasteland right ?) in each world. It would also be possible to disable Nations in some worlds.

This would also concern flags.

Do you think this feature is worth ?

Yes sorry I did mean wilderness,
and for servers who wish to run different worlds survival PVE and PVP the ability to disable it on a PVE world or a creative world and have it active on several PVP worlds in different ways would be very useful I feel

Issue added here.

I’ll work on that very soon.

I’ve added an issue for admin commands (/na). These command will make admins able change nation names, force player to join nation etc. Two of these commands are already implemented but there’s still work to be done.

Please leave a comment on the issue here or directly here on the forums if you want to have other commands than those mentioned in the issue.